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Policy Categories Archives: Section E: Support Services

Section E contains policies, regulations, and exhibits on non-instructional services and programs, particularly those on business management such as safety, building and grounds management, office services, transportation, and food services.

Joint Loss Management Committee

CSD File: EB
See also JLI

The Superintendent will cause the formation of the Joint Loss Management Committee as required by RSA 281-A:64 III, and a Crisis Management Plan that conforms to the national Incident Command System.

The practice of safety shall also be considered a facet of the instructional plan of the Candia School District by incorporating educational programs in traffic and pedestrian safety, driver education, fire prevention, emergency procedures, and others, appropriately geared to students at different grade levels.

The Principal shall be responsible for the supervision and implementation of a safety program for his/her school. General areas of emphasis shall include, but not be limited to: in-service training; accident recordkeeping; plant inspection; driver and vehicle safety programs; fire prevention; catastrophe planning; and emergency procedures and traffic safety problems relevant to students, employees, and the community. The Principal shall be responsible for developing student safety procedures to be used on school busses, school grounds (including playgrounds), during authorized school activities (such as field trips), within school building(s) (including classrooms and laboratories), off school grounds during school sanctioned activities (including, but not limited to, work-based learning and internships), and in the use of on-line resources. The safety plan shall be on file in the school and in the SAU Office.

Legal References: RSA 200.40, RSA 281-A:64, III, NH Admin Rules, Sec. Ed 306.04(a)(2), NH Admin Rules, Sec. Ed 306.04(d)

Adopted: October 5, 1995
Adopted: April 6, 2000
Revised: March 8, 2007
Revised: October 2, 2008
Revised: November 6, 2014


Accident Reports


In case of an accident, the teacher to whom the student is assigned must fill out an accident report the day of any accident involving the student.

The procedures for accidents and accident reporting are to be reviewed in September by the Principal, with the staff.

All accidents judged to be other than minor require an accident report to be filled out and filed with the Principal within 24 hours of the incident. If the accident involves the services of a physician and/or is likely to result in an insurance claim, two accident reports are to be prepared: one copy filed at the school office and one copy to the Superintendent’s Office within 24 hours of the incident. If the incident is not one involving a physician and is unlikely to be an insurance case, it will be sufficient to prepare one copy to be filed at the school.

Adopted: April 6, 2000
Adopted: June 2, 2005
Revised: February 5, 2009

Emergency Care And First Aid

Same as JLCE

All School personnel have responsibilities in connection with injuries and emergencies occurring in school and at school-sponsored events, which may be classified as follows: (1) administering first aid; (2) summoning medical assistance; (3) notifying administration; (4) notifying parents; and (5) filing accident/injury reports.

School personnel must use reasonable judgment in handling injuries and emergencies. Caution should be exercised not to minimize or maximize any injury or illness. All personnel will understand the proper steps to be taken in the event of an injury or emergency.

The Principal will ensure that at least one other person on staff, aside from the school nurse, has current first aid and cardiopulmonary certification (CPR). If the school nurse or licensed practical nurse is not available, the person(s) who have current first aid and CPR certification is authorized to administer first aid and CPR as needed.

The school will obtain, at the start of each school year, emergency contact information of parents or legal guardian for each student and staff member.

The school physician, school nurse, or specially trained staff members shall assist in the treatment of injuries or emergency situations. Such individuals have the authority to administer oxygen in case of a medical emergency, if available and if appropriate. This authorization extends to administering oxygen to students without prior notification to parents/guardians.

The school nurse or other designated personnel may administer other medications to students in emergency situations, provided such personnel has all training as is required by law. Such medication may also be administered in emergency situations if a student’s medical action plan has been filed and updated with the school district to the extent required by law. The district will maintain all necessary records relative to the emergency administration of medication and will file all such reports as may be required.

Additionally, the school physician, school nurse, or specially trained staff members may also administer epinephrine to any student in case of a medical emergency, if appropriate. This authorization extends to administering epinephrine without prior notification to parents/guardians.

For significant injuries, the staff person witnessing the event must fill out an accident report, which must be submitted to administration so that he/she is informed and a basis is established for the proper processing of insurance claims and remediation if necessary.

The District makes it possible for parents to subscribe to student accident insurance at low rates. This program is offered each year from a third party at the parent’s expense.

Legal References: RSA 200:40; RSA 200:40-a; NH Admin Rules, Sec.Ed 306.04-a (21), Ed 306.12

Adopted: April 11, 1989
Adopted: April 6, 2000
Revised: August 4, 2005
Revised: February 5, 2009
Revised: January 5, 2017

Indoor Air & Water Quality


Indoor Air Quality
In order to ensure that all school buildings have adequate indoor air quality, the Board directs the Superintendent to address methods of minimizing or eliminating emissions from buses, cars, delivery vehicles, and other motorized vehicles. The Superintendent may delegate the implementation of these methods to the building principal. The Board encourages the Superintendent to utilize methods and recommendations established by various State agencies.

In addition to addressing methods eliminating emissions, the building principal is directed to annually investigate air quality in the school building using a checklist provided by the New Hampshire Department of Education.

In support of this policy, the Superintendent is authorized to establish regulations and/or administrative rules necessary to implement anti-idling and clear air measures aimed at improving indoor air quality.

Water Quality and Access
The Board directs the Superintendent/designee, to take measures to limit lead exposure in school drinking water and ensure compliance with RSA 485:17-a, lll, and consistent with regulations and guidance of the NH Departments of Environmental Services and of Education.
Water stations in school buildings shall be installed in accordance with Ed Rule 321.18(h) relative to the number of drinking fountains required.

Legal References:
RSA 200:11-a, Investigation of Air Quality, RSA 200:48, Air Quality in Schools
Adopted: December 2, 2010
Revised: January 5, 2023


Emergency Plans


The Superintendent is responsible for ensuring the District’s Emergency Response Plan conforms with the requirements of RSA 189:64 and addresses hazards including, but not limited to: acts of violence, threats, natural disasters, fire, hazardous materials, medical emergencies, and other hazards deemed necessary by the School Board or local emergency authorities. The emergency response plans will be based on and conform to the Incident Command System and the National Incident Management System.

The School Board directs the Superintendent to develop site-specific emergency response plans for each school building, to have each plan reviewed annually prior to September 1, and to submit the emergency response plans or if the annual review does not change the plan, notice that the review has been completed to the Department of Education no later than September 1st each year.

The Superintendent is authorized to provide a current building schematic floor plan in digital format to the Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Management of the Department of Safety.

The Superintendent or his/her designee is responsible for ensuring that at least two times per year, each school conducts emergency response drills, will establish a relationship with local and state emergency and law enforcement authorities, and will serve as a coordinator/liaison with these authorities.

Legal Reference:
RSA 189:64, Emergency Response Plans
Adopted: November 4, 1993
Re-Adopted: April 6, 2000
Revised: February 1, 2018
Revised: January 3, 2019
June 4, 2020

False Alarms, Bomb, Active Shooter, and Other Such Threats


The Board recognizes that false alarms, and bomb, active shooter or other such violent threats
are a significant concern to the schools. Whether the threat is real or a hoax, a fire, explosion,
active shooter, explosive device, biological or chemical substance, or other catastrophic
emergency represents a potential danger to the safety and welfare of students, staff, and school

Making such threats or false alarms will be deemed a violation of the applicable code of conduct,
with potential disciplinary action, and will be referred to law enforcement for potential criminal

Any false threat or alarm will be regarded as a serious matter and will be treated accordingly. In
the event of a threat is made, the following procedures shall be followed:

1. Law Enforcement authorities shall be notified immediately.
2. Simultaneously, the Superintendent shall be notified. The Superintendent or his/her
designee shall make a determination as to whether an immediate evacuation of school
buildings is required in accordance with the District Crisis Prevention and Response Plan.
3. Any decision to re-enter the school or buildings after an evacuation will be made by the
Superintendent, or designee, and only after such clearance has been given by the
appropriate law enforcement agency.
4. An investigation of the threat should be made by local law enforcement authorities or
applicable state department.
5. The Superintendent or her/his designee will communicate the occurrence of any threat
under this policy to the parents of any students in the affected building, whether or not a
full evacuation occurred EITHER in accordance with the District Crisis Prevention and
Response Plan OR the District Communication Plan OR as soon as deemed appropriate
under the circumstances.

Making a threat is a crime. As such, any person found to have made a threat will be subject to
arrest and prosecution according to law. Any student suspected of making a threat will be
reported to law enforcement authorities for investigation and possible prosecution. Apart from
any penalty imposed by law, and without regard to the existence or status of criminal charges, a
student who makes a threat shall be subject to disciplinary action, in accordance with applicable
Board policy.

Legal References:
RSA 158:9 Possession of Explosives, RSA 644-a False Fire Alarms, RSA 644:3 False Public Alarms

Adopted: May 10, 1978
Adopted: April 6, 2000
Revised: February 5, 2009, January 4, 2024


Emergency Closing


The Superintendent or his/her designee is empowered to close the school or to dismiss early in the event of hazardous weather or other emergencies which threaten the health or safety of students and personnel. Students, parents, and staff shall be informed early in each school year of the procedures which will be used to notify them in case of emergency closing, whether action is taken before or during school hours. When schools are closed for emergency reasons, staff members shall comply with board policy in reporting for work.

Adopted: January 4, 1977
Revised: February 1, 1977
Revised Adopted: February 20, 1979
Revised Adopted: November 6, 1984
Revised Adopted: October 10, 1989
Adopted: April 6, 2000
Reviewed: March 8, 2007

Pandemic/Epidemic Emergencies


The Candia School Board recognizes that a pandemic/epidemic outbreak is a serious threat that stands to affect students, staff, and the community as a whole. With this consideration in mind, the Board establishes this policy in the event the town/municipality and/or school district is affected by a pandemic/epidemic outbreak. At all times the health, safety and welfare of the students shall be the first priority.

Planning and Coordination
The Superintendent shall designate one or more employees to serve as a liaison between the school district and local and state health officials. This designee is responsible for connecting with health officials to identify local hazards, determine what crisis plans exist in the school district and community, and to establish procedures to account for student well-being and safety during such a crisis. The designee shall work with local health officials to coordinate their pandemic/epidemic plans with that of the school district.

The principal and/or school nurse or other designee shall develop a curriculum component to health classes that is designed to teach students about preventing or limiting the spread of communicable diseases.

With fiscal concerns in mind, the district shall purchase and store supplies necessary for a pandemic/epidemic outbreak, including but not limited to disinfectant products, face masks, water, examination gloves, and other supplies as recommended by the school nurse.

The Superintendent shall develop procedures and plans for the transportation of students in the event of an evacuation. Such procedures shall include provisions for students who cannot be transported to home at the time of the evacuation.

In the event anyone within the school is discovered or suspected to have a communicable disease that may result in a pandemic/epidemic, that person shall be immediately quarantined pending further medical examination. Local and state health officials shall be notified immediately.

In conjunction with local and state health officials, the Superintendent shall ascertain whether an evacuation, lockdown, or shelter-in-place needs to be established. As soon as such a decision has been made, the school district shall attempt to notify the parents of all students.

In the event of an evacuation, the Superintendent is charged with determining when the school shall re-open. In the event of a lockdown or shelter-in-place, the Superintendent shall notify all proper authorities and relief agencies seeking their assistance for the duration of the lockdown or shelter-in-place.

Infection Control
Any student or staff member found to be infected with a communicable disease that bears risk of pandemic/epidemic will not be allowed to attend school until medical clearance is provided by that individual’s primary care physician or other medical personnel indicating that that person does not bear the risk of transmitting the communicable disease.

Students with excessive absences due to communicable disease shall be given a reprieve from other Board policies relative to excessive student absences. Efforts will be made by the staff to determine what, if any, schoolwork the student can complete while absent.

Staff members who are forced to miss excessive days of work shall first use any leave entitled to them through the Family and Medical Leave Act and/or accrued sick leave. If a staff member has still not received medical clearance to resume his/her work duties, absences in excess of a staff member’s allotted leave will not affect the employee’s right to continued employment.

Continuance of Education
The Superintendent shall develop a plan of alternate means of educating students in the event of prolonged school closings and/or extended absences. Such a plan may include providing students with assignments via mail, e-mail, local access cable television, or the school’s website.

The Superintendent is authorized to amend the traditional class schedule and schedule of days. Such a plan may include extending the school day, having school days held on Saturdays, the use of previously scheduled vacation days, and/or extend the school year beyond the previously established end of school year.

Adopted: March 8, 2007

Buildings And Grounds Security


The Board encourages and requires close cooperation with local police and fire departments and with insurance company inspectors. In order to insure the safest environment for our students and staff, the school building’s security system is to be armed during all non-user time.

During school time, security procedures will insure that unauthorized persons will not have access to the building. All visitors and individuals not employed by the school district will be required to, state their name and the purpose of the visit, sign in and out and to be identified as visitors during their time in the building.

The Principal will be responsible for developing and enforcing building security procedures.

Adopted: May 9, 2002
Revised: June 5, 2008

Reference: CSD: KF

Audio and Video Surveillance on School Buses


Video cameras will be used on school buses to monitor student behavior. Audio recordings in conjunction with video recordings may also be captured on school buses, in accordance with the provisions of RSA 570-A:2(k)(1).

Notification of such recordings is hereby established in this policy and in Policy JICK – Pupil Safety and Violence Prevention. The Superintendent or his/her designee will ensure that there is a sign prominently displayed on the school buses informing the occupants of the school buses that such video and audio recordings are occurring.

The Superintendent is charged with establishing administrative procedures to address the length of time, which the recording is retained, ownership of the recording, limitations on who may view and listen to the recording, and provisions for erasing or destroying the recordings.

All recordings shall be retained for a period not to exceed ten (10) days, unless the Superintendent determines that the recording is relevant to a disciplinary proceeding.

Recordings may be viewed only by the following persons and only after expressly authorized by the Superintendent:
– Superintendent or designee
– Business Administrator
– Building Administrator
– Law Enforcement Officers
– Transportation Contractor Official

Parents of a student against whom a recording is being used as part of a disciplinary proceeding will be permitted to view and listen to the recording. No other individuals shall be entitled to view or listen to the recording without the express authorization of the Superintendent.

Legal References: RSA 570-A:2(k)(1)

Adopted: April 7, 2010