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Policy Categories Archives: Section H: Negotiations

Section H contains policies on the process of negotiating with bargaining units recognized by the school board and authorized under state law.

Employee Job Actions

(Unauthorized Employee Absences)

Any strike, job action, or withholding of services by a public employee is illegal.
Any employee of the district who engages in a strike, job action, withholds services, willfully absents himself/herself without leave or authorization, or declines to perform all of his/her duties and responsibilities will be acting contrary to the law of the state, to the board policies and to any applicable individual contact.
Any employee who so acts will:
1. Suffer a deduction in salary for every day he/she is absent from work.
2. Have an official reprimand placed in his/her permanent record.
3. Be subject to immediate discharge or other appropriate disciplinary action.

Adopted: November 2, 2000

Statutory Reference: RSA 273-A:13

Employee Job Actions

CSD File: HP

Strikes and other forms of job action are prohibited by RSA 273-A:13 and are a violation of Board policy. However, if a work stoppage occurs, the Board will keep schools open so long as the health and safety of the students and employees can be assured.

Action Regarding Work Stoppage
The initial decision as to whether or not school will remain open will be made by the Superintendent in consultation with the Chairperson of the Board. If this consultation is not possible, the Superintendent is authorized to make the decision.

There will be an emergency meeting of the Board during the evening the work stoppage has occurred. If prior warning of a possible stoppage is forthcoming, the Superintendent is authorized to call an emergency school board meeting to be held in the usual meeting place at a designated time and date.

It is expressly understood that no board member other than the Chairperson or designee will issue any press release or statements in regard to the work stoppage.

Adopted: November 2, 2000

Statutory Reference: RSA 273-A:13