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Policy Categories Archives: Section K: School/Community-Home Relations

Section K contains policies, regulations, and exhibits on parent and community involvement in schools. Policies concerning statements on public sector relations with the school district are located in this section as well.

Public Information Program


The Candia School Board will do its best to keep the people informed of the affairs of the district. To achieve its goals for good school community relations and maintenance of open two-way channels of communication with the public, the Board authorizes the Superintendent or designee to:
1. Prepare or guide the preparation of informational materials including the annual report, newsletters, articles for periodicals, newspaper and/or radio releases, special pamphlets and other assigned material, and to maintain close liaison with news media and publicity organizations.
2. Provide staff members with assistance for preparation of material for community and staff distribution (handbooks, information leaflets, etc.).
3. Assist in coordinating work with civic and other groups which support the school system.

Adopted: September 12, 2002

Community Involvement In Decision-Making


The Candia School Board shall encourage the involvement of citizens in fulfillment of the school district’s mission through means such as hearings, surveys, informational meetings and the like, where the Board may hear and evaluate community opinions as it conducts its responsibilities.

Adopted: September 12, 2002

Title I Family And Community Engagement

CSD File: KB

The Candia School Board acknowledges the parent involvement goals of the Every Student Succeeds Act and encourages the regular participation between family members, community members, and school leadership. The education of children is viewed as a cooperative effort among the parents, school, and community, and other family members involved in supporting the child’s development and education.

Pursuant to federal law, the Candia School District will develop jointly with, agree on with, and distribute to, parents of children participating in the Title I program a written parent and community engagement policy.
The goal of this policy is to:
(1) Honor and recognize families’ funds of knowledge,
(2) Connect family engagement to student learning,
(3) Create welcoming, inviting cultures, and
(4) Develop the capacity of families to negotiate the roles of supporters, advocates, and collaborators.

The District will implement at least one annual meeting that is available to all families of students attending Title I schools and/or for families that include a student who receives Title I services (Targeted Schools). These meeting will provide parents and family members’ opportunities to participate in the design, development, operation and evaluation of the program for the next school year. Additional meetings may be held at the will of the Superintendent or school board. These meetings will be used to:

1. Involve parents in the joint development of the Title I program plan, the process of reviewing the implementation of the plan, and suggesting overall school improvement goals.

2. Provide the coordination, technical assistance and other support necessary to assist participating schools in planning and implementing effective family and community engagement activities to improve student academic achievement and school performance.

3. Build the schools’ and parents’ capacity for strong family and community engagement.

4. Coordinate and integrate Title I family and community engagement strategies with those of other educational programs.

5. Conduct, with the involvement of families, an annual evaluation of the content of the family engagement policy and its effectiveness in improving the academic quality of the schools served. This will include identifying barriers to greater participation by parents in activities authorized by law, particularly by parents who are economically disadvantaged, have disabilities, have limited English proficiency, have limited literacy, or are of any racial or ethnic minority background. The district will use the findings of such evaluation to design strategies for more effective parental involvement and to revise, if necessary, the parental involvement policies.

6. Involve families in the activities of the schools served.

Title I funding, if sufficient, may be used to facilitate parent attendance at meetings through payment of transportation and childcare costs, food for the event, and academic based supplies and activities during the event.

In targeted assistance programs, the families of children identified to participate in Title I programs shall receive from the school Principal and/or the Title I staff an explanation of the reasons supporting each child’s selection for the program, a set of objectives to be addressed, and a description of the services to be provided. Opportunities will be provided for the parents to meet with the classroom and Title I teachers to discuss their child’s progress. Parents will also receive guidance as to how they can assist in the education of their children at home.

Legal References: 20 U.S.C. §6318, Title I – Parental Involvement
Adopted: August 4, 2005
Revised: February 2, 2017



School, Community And Home Relations


The School Board recognizes the importance of having a strong partnership between the school system and the parents of our students as well as the community at large. It is therefore the policy of the Board to define standards for involvement between the school system, the community, and the parents of all students enrolled in the District school. The Superintendent or his/her designee is directed to implement these standards.

• For the purposes of this policy, the term “parent” refers to the parent or legal guardian and where appropriate, other family members.
• The District school is a welcoming place, clearly accessible to parents and the community.
• Communication between home and school is regular, two-way and meaningful.
• Parents are full partners in the educational decisions that affect children and families.
• Parents will be encouraged to visit their school for beginning of the year events such as “Open House” and new student orientations. These events will be used to disseminate information on school policies, discipline procedures, assessment tools and school goals.
• Opportunities are provided to guide parents on ways to assist with homework, give feedback to teachers, and how parents can help their children improve skills and perform well on assessments.
• Parents are encouraged to attend school-sponsored parent workshops to learn about parenting skills, health, safety, nutrition, home environments that support education and other topics of child and adolescent development throughout the year.
• Reasonable efforts will be made to communicate with parents in their primary language or in the language in which they feel comfortable.
• Students and parents will receive information regarding cultural, recreational, academic, health, social and other resources that serve families within the community.
• The support of area businesses, agencies and faith-based organizations will be sought through financial, goods and services, and volunteer contributions.
• Partnerships will be developed with local organizations, local city and county governments, and talented individuals to strengthen school programs, family practices and student learning.
• Student participation in community service will be encouraged.
• Business partnerships will also be developed to assist students in the successful transition to employment or further education.

Legal Reference:
NH Admin Rules Sec. Ed 306.04(a)(11) NH Admin Rules Sec. Ed 306.04(k)

Adopted: August 2, 2007
Revised: May 7, 2009
Reviewed: January 30, 2020


Relations With Police Authorities


It is the policy of the school to cooperate with law enforcement agencies to the extent necessary to protect the health, safety and welfare of students, staff and visitors to the school.

The district may utilize a school resource officer and may collaborate with local law enforcement agencies to engage the use of a school resource officer. In such situations, the Superintendent is authorized to develop and implement a memorandum of understanding with local law enforcement relative to the use of school resource officer.

See JICD-R *See Memorandum of Understanding

Adopted: September 12, 2002
Reviewed: February 2, 2017