Policies » Section J: Students » JFAA: Admission Of Resident Students
Policy Date: 04/03/2003
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The school district of residence of a student is defined by RSA 193:12, II.
New Resident Students
All new resident students, accompanied by parent or guardian, shall register at school before opening day and as early as possible.
Children entering school for the first time must have proof of physical examination within the last twelve months, immunization records, and the school must receive a copy of the child’s birth certificate. All children enrolling into the Candia Moore School must be properly immunized according to the current recommendation of the state public health agency. The Principal or designee will meet with new children and parents to explain school programs.
Homeless Students
RSA 193:12 (IV) provides the definition of a homeless child and exceptions to legal residence requirements for homeless pupils.
Statutory References: RSA 193:12, II and IV
Adopted: April 5, 2001
Adopted: April 3, 2003