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Policies » Section I: Instruction » ILBA: Assessment

Policy Date: 08/02/2007

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It is the policy of the Board that the Superintendent or his/her designee will develop and manage an assessment program that provides ongoing evaluation of the effectiveness of the curriculum on improving student performance. The program must adhere to the processes for selection, administration, and interpretation of assessment instruments specified below. This program will include both local and statewide assessment tools. The program must be aligned with the goals of the School District and be designed to assess each student’s progress toward meeting the defined curriculum objectives.

For the purposes of assessment of high school course work through the demonstration of student mastery of course competencies, the following definitions are established:
Course Level Competency: the expected content, concepts, and skills to be mastered in a course.
Competency Assessment: the process by which a student demonstrates sufficient evidence of learning.
Mastery: a student presenting sufficient evidence of attainment of the required competencies.

Test Results
Test results will be analyzed and used with other data for the following purposes:
• To identify individual student strengths and weaknesses in skill development;
• To diagnose strengths and weaknesses of groups;
• To individualize and improve instruction;
• To report progress to parents;
• To select curriculum materials;
• To set the pace of instruction;
• To select methods of instruction;
• To counsel students;
• To help determine revisions needed in the curriculum.
• To help determine professional development needs.


The selection process will include the professional staff in its efforts to investigate new assessment tools, evaluate existing outcomes and curriculum and instruction effectiveness. Assessment instruments selected will provide an authentic assessment of student learning outcomes through multiple formative and summative assessment instruments including, but not limited to teacher observation of project-based learning, including off-site learning projects; competency-based assessments; and teacher-designed quizzes and tests. Additional instruments may include written examinations, oral examinations, alternative questions, demonstrations, writing exercises, individual projects, group projects, performances, student portfolios, and samples of student’s best works.

The assessment program will include a schedule for administration to students, distributed to staff and the board before the start of each school year.
Each building principal will provide assurance that test procedures are followed at the school level including the distribution and collection of test materials, test security, use of test results and testing dates as well as other pertinent requirements. Readiness assessment shall be administered to all children entering first grade. Handicapped students must be provided the opportunity to participate in all student assessments. Any modifications in administration should be made and documented during the Individualized Education Program (IEP) review.

The Superintendent or designee will ensure that data from the student assessment program is compiled, analyzed, summarized, and reported to the Board annually. The Superintendent or designee is responsible for the scores of individual students and they shall be made available only to appropriate personnel within the school in which the student is enrolled and to parent(s) or legal guardian(s) of each student as provided by law. Interpretation of test results shall be made available to parents and students.

The Board will provide funding for the student assessment program, including professional development for teachers in the use of tools to understand assessment results, to adjust instruction to meet personalized needs of students, and to monitor progress.
The Superintendent will provide an ongoing evaluation of the assessment program, and will provide regular reports to the Board showing the effectiveness of the curriculum on improving student performance.

Legal Reference: RSA 193-C, Statewide Education Improvement and Assessment Program, NH Code of Administrative Rules Section Ed. 306.24, Assessment

Adopted: August 2, 2007