Policies » Section J: Students » JJIB: Athletics
Policy Date: 11/05/2009
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Athletics are an integral part of the total educational program. As an extension of the core school program, the Candia School District’s after-school athletic program will afford as many students as reasonably possible, the opportunity to compete in a supervised team sport. The Candia School District’s focus regarding all activities and athletics is participation and the development of skills. The goal of the program is to help students develop an active and healthy lifestyle, in a non-threatening situation – a learning environment. We believe that participation in athletics affords the student the opportunity to learn teamwork, fair play, and self-confidence, attributes that are essential to success in life.
The objectives of the school’s athletic program are as follows:
1. To encourage participation in an interscholastic/intramural team sport.
2. To create as many opportunities for involvement as possible.
3. To provide developmentally appropriate programs with the best interests of the participants as the primary consideration.
4. To stress teamwork and fair play while learning to work with others in achieving a common goal.
5. To learn the skills involved in each sport.
The Candia School District will offer athletic programs subject to budgetary considerations.
Participation in interscholastic athletics at the middle school level is subject to the rules adopted by the New Hampshire Interscholastic Athletic Association.
Adopted: June 7, 2001
Revised: November 5, 2009