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Policies » Section B: School Board Governance and Operations » BBBA: Board Member Qualifications

Policy Date: 04/06/2017

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A person is eligible to become a member of the School Board if he/she is a legal voter of the Candia School District. In addition, however, it would be desirable that members of the School Board have a genuine interest in and devotion to public education, a willingness to give time and effort to the work, a capacity for understanding people, and the ability to work cooperatively with others.

RSA 671:18 Qualifications. To become a candidate for any school district office, a person must be a registered voter in the district. No person holding the office of member of the School Board shall at the same time hold the office of district moderator, treasurer, or auditor. No person employed on a salaried basis by a school administrative unit or by any school district within a school administrative unit shall be a School Board member in any district of the school administrative unit. Salaried positions shall include, but are not limited to, the following: teacher, custodian, administrator, secretary, school bus driver (if paid by the district), school lunch worker and teacher’s aide.

Statutory Reference: RSA 671:18

Adopted: October 7, 1999
Reviewed: April 6, 2017