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Policies » Section B: School Board Governance and Operations » BDA: Board Organizational Meeting

Policy Date: 09/07/2017

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The School Board shall organize annually at its first meeting following the school district elections. Elections shall be held at the annual school district meeting in accordance with RSA 197:1. Every member shall be notified of the meeting for organization, in accordance with RSA 91-A:2. This meeting shall be called to order by the Superintendent, who shall preside during and until the election of a Chairperson.

RSA 197:1 Annual. A meeting of every school district shall be held annually between March 1 and March 25, inclusive, or in accordance with RSA 40:13 if that provision is adopted in the district, for raising and appropriating money for the support of schools for the fiscal year beginning the next July 1, for the transaction of other district business and, in those districts not electing their district officers at the town meeting, for the choice of district officers.

The officers of the Candia School Board shall be a Chairperson, a Vice-Chairperson, and a Clerk. The officers shall be elected at the annual organization meeting to serve until the next annual organization meeting or until a successor is elected. Any vacancy in any of such offices may be filled at any meeting of the Board provided that all members of the Board have been notified prior to the meeting that the vacancy will be filled at such meeting. The Superintendent is the chief executive officer and an ex-officio member of the Board and shall be the Executive Secretary ex-officio.

The Chairperson shall consult with the Superintendent on the preparation of the agenda for each meeting, shall have authority to sign contracts and other instruments as approved by the Board in its name and on its behalf, and shall have such other powers and duties as the Board may from time to time determine.

The Vice-Chairperson shall have the powers and duties of the Chairperson in his/her absence, and such other powers and duties as the School Board may from time to time determine.

The Clerk shall be responsible for Board correspondence when directed by the Chairperson.

Statutory References:
RSA 91-A:2, Public Records and Meeting: Meeting Open to the Public
RSA 197:1, School Meetings and Officers

Adopted: December 2, 1999
Revised: September 7, 2017