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Policies » Section D: Fiscal Management » DBC: Budget Planning

Policy Date: 02/03/2000

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Budget planning for the Candia School District will be an integral part of program planning so that the annual operating budget may effectively express and implement all programs and activities of the school system. Budget planning will be a year-round process involving broad participation of school board members, administrators, principal, directors, coordinators, teachers, and other personnel within the school system.

The Superintendent will have overall responsibility for budget preparation, including the construction of, and adherence to, a budget calendar. The Principal will develop and submit budget requests for his/her school after seeking the advice and suggestions of staff members.

The budget request will reflect the administrators’ judgement as to the most effective way to use resources in achieving progress toward educational objectives of the school.

Adopted: February 10, 1987
Adopted: February 3, 2000