Policies » Section E: Support Services » EBCH: Chemical Safety and Chemical Hygiene Plan
Policy Date: 12/04/2024
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A. Purpose. The Board’s objective is to help ensure a healthy, clean, and safe learning and work environment for students, employees, and others present on school property. The policy accomplishes this in two ways. First, it establishes standards regarding the use and handling of toxic chemicals for cleaning and pest control. Second, it directs the creation of a chemical hygiene and safety plan (the “Plan”) for managing hazardous substances on District property and responding to any emergencies resulting from hazardous substances. This Plan shall include all points where hazardous substances might be used and or stored on District property, including, but not limited to, materials used in connection with: chemistry and other science labs, art rooms, shop classes, food services, facilities and groundskeeping, or custodial services.
“Hazardous substances” as used in this Policy shall mean and include any material specifically designated as hazardous by state or federal law, or any other substance or mixture of substances which may be explosive, ignitable, corrosive, reactive, or toxic.
B. Plan Preparation and Contents. The Board directs the Superintendent of Schools to prepare a Chemical Hygiene Plan that complies with all local, state, and federal laws and regulations which pertain to the proper management of hazardous materials. When necessary, the District shall contact the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and/or the New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services (NHDES) to obtain relevant information regarding hazardous substances.
Additionally, the Plan shall address at least the following:
1. Identification and inventory of hazardous materials – describing a process by which hazardous substances will be identified and inventoried, and may include a classification system for grouping hazardous materials for purposes of acquisition, storage, use, disposal, recordkeeping, and emergency response.
2. General provisions outlining response Hazardous Substance Emergencies, with such items as responsible personnel, required resources, decision making ladders, message-specific templates, parental notification, media plans, etc.; these provisions shall be incorporated into the District Crisis Prevention and Response Plan.
3. Special provisions for specific substances, e.g., and as pertinent:
a. Criteria for acquisition
b. Storage
c. Use
d. Disposal
e. Incident prevention
f. Special provisions relative to accidental release or other emergency;
4. Provisions to minimize the use of toxic chemicals for cleaning or pest control, including the prohibition of staff bringing cleaning products or pesticides onto District property without prior
approval from the administration;
5. Procedures required for staff to obtain approval from school administration in order to bring cleaning products or pesticides onto District property;
6. Protocols and procedures relative to implementation of the Plan, including staff responsibilities by individual position and/or generalized;
7. Provisions relative to staff training, including such items as individualized and general training, who is responsible for ensuring training is conducted and updated, frequency, how and by whom training syllabi are established; Additionally, employees receiving such training will be encouraged to make less dangerous substitutions for hazardous substances to the extent possible and to minimize the generation of such substances;
8. Provisions proposing consequences and/or remedies for employees who fail to adhere to the Plan or established procedures;
9. Provisions relating to student training and proposed sanctions/remedies/interventions to be included in student handbook;
10. Protocols for reporting general (non-emergency concerns regarding hazardous substances) on District property.
See NH Ed 320, specifically Ed 320.02(b)(8), for additional guidance on chemical hygiene Plan content.
C. Prohibition of Introduction of Cleaning Products or Pesticides by School Staff. No employee or designated volunteer may bring any cleaning products or pesticides onto District property without prior approval of the school administration, or as specifically provided in the Plan.
D. Biennial Review and Update. The Superintendent and/or designee shall ensure that the Plan and all procedures and protocols adopted pursuant to this policy are reviewed no less than every two (2) years and updated as necessary. The Copies of the updated Plan and procedures should be provided to the Board no later than the start of each school year. Recommendations requiring Board policy changes should be brought to the Board’s Policy Committee as soon as reasonably practicable.
Legal Reference:
N.H. Code Admin. Rules Ed 320, School Facility Approval Process
Adopted: December 4, 2024