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Policies » Section I: Instruction » IJOA: Field Trips and Excursions

Policy Date: 03/07/2024

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The Principal must approve all field trips.

The teacher, in requesting permission to take his/her class away from school grounds, shall
submit the details, including educational objectives and specifies ties to the curriculum, of such a
trip to the Principal. A consent form shall be sent to the parents of each child participating for a
signature and return. This is to be done after the field trip has been authorized. No child may
leave the school grounds on a field trip unless the form has been signed by the parents or legal

Consent forms, signed by a parent or legal guardian, of those attending shall be filed with the
teacher before the trip.

Arrangements for financing all field trips must be made prior to the trip. If student contributions
are involved, the necessary funds must be in the hands of the teacher before the trip will be

Any overnight or out-of-state field trips must have the approval of the Board. Sleeping quarters
will be shared by those of the same sex.

Field trips that occur on an annual basis must be approved by the Board every year.

Adopted: October 12, 1983
Revised: February 8, 1984
Revised: May 7, 1987
Revised: July 14, 1987
Adopted: November 2, 2000
Revised: May 7, 2009
Reviewed: January 3, 2019
Revised: March 7, 2024