Policies » Section J: Students » JLCF: SAU 15 Wellness Policy
Policy Date: 02/09/2023
Download Policy NowCSD File: JLCF
SAU 15 is committed to providing a school environment that enhances learning and development
of lifelong wellness practices.
To accomplish these goals:
1. Child Nutrition Programs shall comply with federal, state and local requirements. Child
Nutrition Programs are accessible to all children.
2. Sequential and interdisciplinary nutrition education is provided and promoted.
3. Patterns of meaningful physical activity connect to students’ lives outside of physical
education shall be encouraged.
4. All school-based activities are consistent with local wellness policy goals.
5. All foods and beverages made available on campus (including vending, concessions, a la
carte, student stores, parties, and fundraising) during the school day are consistent with the
current Dietary Guidelines for Americans.
6. All foods made available on campus adhere to food safety and security guidelines.
7. The school cafeteria environment is safe, comfortable, pleasing, and allows ample time and
space for eating meals.
8. The school district will engage students, parents, teachers and food service professionals,
health professionals and other interested community members in developing, implementing,
monitoring, and reviewing district wide nutrition and physical activity policies.
SAU 15 supports a healthy environment where children learn and participate in positive dietary
and lifestyle practices. Schools contribute to the basic health status of children by facilitating
learning through the support and promotion of good nutrition and physical activity. Improved
health optimizes student performance potential and behavior.
All students shall possess the knowledge and skills necessary to make nutritious and enjoyable
food choices for a lifetime. In addition, staff is encouraged to model healthy eating and physical
activity as a valuable part of daily life.
SAU 15 shall prepare, adopt, and implement a comprehensive plan to encourage healthy eating
and physical activity. The Superintendent or designee will ensure compliance with established
district-wide nutrition and physical activity wellness.
SAU 15 will develop a Wellness Committee comprised of school personnel, administration,
community members and students to plan, implement, and assess ongoing activities that
promote healthy lifestyles, particularly physical activity for all age groups within the school
Nutrition Education
The primary goal of nutrition education is to influence students’ eating behaviors. Nutrition
education at all levels of the district’s curriculum shall include, but not be limited to, the following
essential components designed to help students learn:
1. Age appropriate nutritional knowledge, including the benefits of healthy eating, essential
nutrients, nutritional deficiencies, principles of healthy weight management, the use and
misuse of dietary supplements, safe food preparation, handling and storage and cultural
diversity related to food and eating.
2. Age appropriate nutrition–related skills, including, but not limited to, planning a healthy meal,
understanding and using food labels and critically evaluating nutrition information,
misinformation and commercial food advertising.
3. How to assess one’s personal eating habits, set goals for improvement, and achieve those
4. Consistent nutrition messages will be provided throughout the school in media, in the
classroom and in the cafeteria, to the home and community.
5. Nutrition concepts shall be integrated into health, science education, family and consumer
science, and in grade appropriate curriculum.
6. Staff providing nutrition education shall have appropriate training.
Physical Activity
School leaders are encouraged to develop and implement a plan that supports physical activity.
1. Physical activity will be integrated across curricula and throughout the school day.
Movement can be made a part of Unified Arts, Science, Math, Social Studies, and Language
2. Physical education courses will be the environment where students learn, practice, and are
assessed on developmentally appropriate motor skills, social skills, and knowledge.
3. Special programs such as student and staff walking programs, family fitness events, and
events that emphasize lifelong physical activities shall be supported.
4. The school district will offer opportunities and encouragement for all students to initiate and
voluntarily participate in before and after-school physical activity programs that promote
inclusive physical activity on a school-wide basis, such as interscholastic sports, intramurals,
clubs, and other extracurricular and co-curricular activities.
5. Establish school support for community recreation and youth sports programs and agencies
that complement physical activity programs (i.e., provide transportation, building usage).
6. Every effort will be made for all elementary school students to have at least one supervised
recess daily, outdoors (weather permitting). Recess should be considered before lunch since
research indicates that physical activity prior to lunch can increase the nutrient intake and
reduce food waste. Discretion will be used when restricting student participation in recess.
7. Every effort will be made by the district to have physical education class teacher-to-student
ratios equivalent to those of other subject area classes in the schools.
Nutrition Guidelines for all Foods on Campus
All foods available on school grounds during the school day and at school-sponsored activities will
meet or exceed the current USDA Dietary Guidelines for Americans. Food offerings should be
nutrient dense per calorie, have low fat and sugar content, be of moderate portion size, and
include a variety of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. Food and beverages offered for snacks,
activities, and/or fundraisers should encourage healthy choices and promote positive health
habits. The nutrition standards are intended to model the practice of moderation as a component
of a healthy lifestyle.
These nutrition guidelines apply to the school lunch and breakfast programs, foods and
beverages sold in vending machines, snack bars, school stores, concession stands, at
parties/celebrations/meetings during the school day, and as part of school fundraising activities.
1. All beverages sold or provided on school campuses or at school-sponsored activities shall
follow established USDA guidelines for sugar content, caffeine, sodium, and fat.
2. Healthy choices of food and beverages will be encouraged at school-sponsored events
outside of the school day.
3. If school celebrations and school-sponsored activities include food and beverages, they shall
include a balance to promote healthy choices.
4. A la carte/snack items available will adhere to established nutrition standards. A variety of
snacks should be offered, including fruits, vegetables, or low fat dairy products.
5. Schools shall encourage fundraisers that promote positive health habits and nutrition choices.
Whenever possible, fundraisers should include the sale of non-food items.
To promote hydration, free, safe, unflavored drinking water will be available to all students at
every school throughout the school day, including mealtimes. Students shall be permitted to
bring water bottles to school that:
1. Are made of material that is not easily breakable
2. Have lids to prevent spills: and
3. Are filled exclusively with water
School Principals may discipline students for the misuse of water bottles consistent with school
Other School Based Activities
Our goal is to create a total school environment that is conducive to healthy eating and being
physically active.
Dining Environment
1. The school district will provide a clean, safe, and enjoyable meal environment for students.
2. The school district will provide enough space and serving areas to ensure all students have
access to school meals with minimum wait time.
3. The school district will have drinking fountains available in all schools, so that students can
get water at meals and throughout the day.
4. The school district will encourage all students participate in school meals programs and
protect the identity of students who eat free and reduced meals.
5. The school district will provide an adequate time for students to eat healthy food and
promote social etiquette.
Food or Physical Activity as a Reward or Punishment
1. The school district will avoid the use of food as a punishment or reward.
2. Every effort will be made for all elementary school students to have at least one supervised
recess daily, outdoors (weather permitting). Recess should be considered before lunch since
research indicates that physical activity prior to lunch can increase the nutrient intake and
reduce food waste. Discretion will be used when restricting student participation in recess.
Consistent School Activities and Environment
1. After-school programs will encourage physical activity and healthy habit formation.
2. Local wellness policy goals will be considered in planning all school-based activities (such as
school events, field trips, dances, and assemblies).
3. The school district will encourage that all schools’ fundraising efforts to be supportive of
healthy eating.
4. The school district will provide opportunities for on-going professional training and
development for food service staff and teachers in the areas of nutrition and physical
5. The school district will make efforts to keep school or district-owned physical activity facilities
open for use by students and adults outside school hours.
6. The school district will encourage parents, teachers, school administrators, students, food
service professionals, and community members to serve as role models in practicing healthy
eating and being physically active, both in school and at home.
7. The school district will encourage and provide opportunities for students, teachers, and
community volunteers to practice healthy eating and serve as role models in school dining
8. The school district will provide information and outreach materials about other programs to
students and parents. These may include local health departments, NH Healthy Kids, and
Food and Nutrition Service Programs such as Food Stamps, and Women, Infants, and
Children (WIC).
9. The school district will encourage all students to participate in school meals programs, i.e.
the National School Lunch, including snacks for school snack programs, After School
programs, and School Breakfast programs.
Evaluation Component
1. The school administration will ensure compliance with the district’s established nutrition and
physical activity wellness policy. Evaluation of progress and results will be communicated
annually to the school board.
Statutory Reference:
Based on Federal Public Law (PL 108.265 Section 204)
Adopted: June 1, 2006
Revised: January 2, 2020, February 9, 2023