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Policies » Section E: Support Services » EEAC: School Bus Scheduling and Routing

Policy Date: 11/07/2019

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It is the policy of the Candia School Board to transport elementary school children along approved bus routes from their home and back along a similar route.

The pick up or discharge of students at stops other than their legal home may be permitted upon written request by the parent(s)/guardian(s) of the child. In order to effectively design the bus routes, this long-term arrangement request should be in the hands of the transportation supervisor by August of each year. Granting of this request will be based on the following criteria:
a. Safety of the child
b. Age of child
c. Space on bus
d. Length of time of the arrangement
e. Number of students at the bus stop
f. Convenience to the School District

The Candia School Board authorizes the administration to make minor adjustments in the bus routes, which are consistent with the following guidelines:
1. Changes in bus route stops may be instituted by the administration.
2. Bus stops are to be at locations that minimize the danger to students, buses, and the public.
3. The walking distance limit along a bus route shall be no more than 0.6 miles.
4. The walking distance to a bus stop from off the bus route may be up to 1.5 miles.
5. Buses that travel on Class VI, town non-maintained roads are subject to school board approval.
6. The maximum length of time for a student to ride a regular education bus to and from school shall be one hour and fifteen minutes per run.
7. Elementary bus students will not be allowed to cross Routes 101, 43, or 27.
8. Students may be required to transfer buses in order to improve the efficiency of the total transportation system.
9. The time scheduling of bus routes will be for maximum efficiency for the Candia School District.
10. Students may be allowed to change from one bus to another for after-school activities under the following conditions:
a. A request is made in writing, one day in advance from the student’s parent/guardian to the Principal and/or designee.
b. The seating capacity of the bus is not exceeded.
c. The request will cause no undue problems.
d. Priorities for handling requests will be determined by the Principal and/or designee.
11. Students living on a main road are only allowed to board the bus from the side on which they live.

Adopted: April 3, 2003
Revised: November 5, 2015
Revised: November 7, 2019