Policies » Section I: Instruction » ICA: School Calendar
Policy Date: 06/07/2007
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The school calendar will be developed by the Superintendent and approved by the Board. Input from the Candia Education Association will be considered in developing the school calendar. To the extent possible, high school calendars will also be considered.
Any days that the schools are closed for emergency reasons will be made up at the end of the school year or during recess periods, as approved by the Board upon the Superintendent’s recommendation. Under special circumstances, the Board may request an exception to this requirement from the State Board of Education.
Legal Reference: NH Code of Administrative Rules, Section ED.309.19RSA
Adopted: May 14, 1975
Revised: January 10, 1989
Adopted: November 2, 2000
Revised: June 7, 2007 189:9