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Policies » Section E: Support Services » EEA: Student Transportation Services

Policy Date: 12/05/2019

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The Candia School District shall provide transportation for pupils in the school district consistent with provisions of RSA 189:6, 189:9 and 189:9-a, provided they live one mile or more from the school. The following policies shall apply:

Per RSA 193:12, students who are deemed legal residents of the school district pursuant to a divorce decree or parenting plan developed under RSA 461-A will not necessarily be provided transportation. The Superintendent or designee will make all determinations as to whether transportation will be provided in such circumstances. The Superintendent or designee’s decision will be final.

General Operating Policy
A.Bus routes shall be established by the transportation provider subject to review by the Superintendent or designee. Routes will be developed annually and posted.
B.Pupils who attend charter public schools within the district and pupils who attend private schools shall be entitled to the same transportation privileges within the District as are provided for pupils in public school.
C.Bus stops shall be established under the direction of the Superintendent or designee. A bus stop so established will be designated as authorized when the Superintendent has approved its designation as such. Drivers may not load or unload pupils at other than authorized bus stops.

Student Conduct on School Buses
The bus driver will have responsibility to maintain orderly behavior of students on school buses and will report misconduct to the student’s Principal in writing. The school Principal or designee will have the authority delegated by the Superintendent to suspend the riding privileges of students who are disciplinary problems on the bus by failing to conform to the rules and regulations promulgated by the School Board. Parents of children whose pattern of behavior and conduct on school buses endangers the health, safety, and welfare of other riders will be notified that their children face the loss of school bus riding privileges in accordance with the student discipline code. Suspensions in excess of twenty consecutive days must be ratified by the Board (RSA 189:9a).

Resolution of Conflicts
A parent who wishes to request a change or exemption from any of the student transportation policies shall direct that request to either the school Principal or the manager of the transportation provider.

Matters of student conduct should be referred to the Principal while routing and scheduling should be directed to the transportation provider. Should the parent not be satisfied with the results, an appeal can be made to the Office of the Superintendent of Schools. If the individual remains dissatisfied, the individual may request an appeal to the Candia School Board through the Superintendent of Schools.

High School Transportation
The Candia School District provides transportation for its students who attend the high school of which the district maintains a tuition agreement.

Legal References:
RSA 189:6, RSA 189.8, RSA 189:9, RSA 189-9-a, RSA 189:9, RSA 193:12, RSA 194-B:2 V

Revised: March 24, 1987
Adopted: April 6, 2000
Revised: March 8, 2007
Revised: November 6, 2014
Revised: January 5, 2017
Revised: December 5, 2019