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Policies » Section E: Support Services » EEAB: Video And Audio Recording For Instructional Purposes

Policy Date: 11/05/2015

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Candia School Board is committed to the use of technology to enhance the education of its
students. The Board acknowledges that video, digital video and audio recording (“recording”)
in the classroom may be useful for instructional purposes. In addition, there are times when
live streaming, or internet access to digital video and audio recording are appropriate. For
example, these technologies may be useful tools to provide access to students in remote
locations, home-bound or hospital-bound students, or to permit a student to recover classroom
instruction lost during an extended absence.

The decision whether or not to conduct video, digital video or audio recording for educational
purposes shall be made in the first instance by the classroom teacher and their request and
consent to recording shall be documented in writing and placed on file with the Principal. All
such recordings shall be deemed the copy written property of Candia School District and shall
not be reproduced without Candia School District’s express permission. Recordings shall not be
sold. Recording in the classroom for other than educational purposes is prohibited. Recordings
made for instructional use are intended to provide information for pedagogical and scholarly
study, and do not constitute educational records under the Family Educational Rights and
Privacy Act (FERPA). Only the student(s) or instructor, on whose behalf a request for recording
is made, will be granted access to that recording. The Principal may authorize others to view
an existing recording on a case-by-case and as-needed basis.

Student recording as an accommodation in their Individualized Education Plan or Section 504
Plan shall not be deemed a school recording unless the recording is conducted by the school on
behalf of the student. All recordings made as an accommodation, or for instructional recovery
or academic study shall be erased at the end of the semester or when they are no longer
needed, whichever is the later event. If the classroom teacher wishes to preserve a recording
for future instructional purposes, they shall seek permission from the Principal to preserve the

No recording shall take place in a classroom without first securing the written consent of each
adult student, or minor student’s parent or guardian. An adult student or parent who refuses
consent for a class where recording is the curriculum, such as a television or broadcast
journalism course, shall not be permitted to enroll in the course. This policy shall be
reproduced in the next student handbook, and the parent or adult student’s written receipt of
the handbook shall be deemed written consent to Candia School District’s use of video and
audio classroom recording for instructional purpose unless the adult student or parent opts out
of granting permission. Until such policy is reproduced in the handbook, this policy and a
permission form shall be disseminated by the classroom educator when recording in their
classroom is contemplated. The educator shall be responsible for garnering the adult student
or parent’s written consent and placing the same on file with the Building Principal before
recording may take place in the classroom. Candia School District reserves the right to reassign
students to classes in accordance with their recording preferences.

This policy does not apply to the recording by Candia School District of events such as public
concerts, graduation ceremonies, athletic events, and the like; all of which are not considered
classroom recording. This policy has been adopted after a public hearing conducted by the
Candia School Board.

See also policy EEAA

1st. Reading: November 05, 2015
Public Hearing: November 05, 2015
Adopted: November 05, 2015

Legal References:
RSA 189:68(IV)
20 U.S.C. § 1232g (FERPA)
34 CFR Part 99 (FERPA)