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Policies » Section J: Students » JICI: Weapons On School Property

Policy Date: 10/06/2011

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Weapons are not permitted on school property, in school vehicles or at school-sponsored activities. This policy applies to students and members of the public alike. Student violations of this policy will result in both school disciplinary action and notification of local law enforcement authorities. Members of the public who violate this policy will be reported to local law enforcement authorities.

The term “weapons” includes, but is not limited to, firearms (rifles, pistols, revolvers, pellet guns, BB guns, black powder firearms, etc.) knives, slingshots, metallic knuckles, firecrackers, billy-clubs, stilettos, switchblade knives, swords, canes, pistol canes, black jacks, daggers, dirk knives, explosives, incendiaries, martial arts weapons or self-defense weapons (as defined by RSA 159:24 and RSA 159:20 respectively), or any other object or substance which, in the manner it is used or threatened to be used, is known to be capable of producing death or bodily injury.

In addition, any student who is determined to have brought a firearm (as defined by 18 U.S.C. §921) to school will be expelled for not less than one year (365 days). This expulsion may be modified by the Superintendent upon review of the specific case in accordance with other applicable law.
Pursuant to the provisions of 20 U.S.C. § 7151, Gun-Free Schools Act, the Board requires the Superintendent to contact local law enforcement authorities and/or the Division of Children and Youth Services and notify them of any student who brings a firearm or weapon on school property.
Weapons under control of law enforcement personnel are permitted.

All students will receive written notice of this policy at least once each year by way of the student handbook.

Appendix JICI-R

Legal References: 18 U.S.C. § 921 Et seq., Firearms, 20 U.S.C. § 7151, Gun-Free Schools Act, RSA 159:20, 159:24, RSA 193-D, RSA 193:13,
NH Code of Admin Rules, Sec. Ed. 317

Adopted: April 9, 1991
Revised: June 17, 1999
Revised: October 6, 2011