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Policy Categories Archives: Section I: Instruction

Section I contains policies on the instructional program: basic curricular subjects, special programs, instructional resources, and academic achievement.

Procedural Safeguards For Children With Specific Learning Disabilities


The District will ensure that all evaluation requirements for children with learning disabilities are evaluated consistent with applicable state and federal laws and regulations. All staff, students, parents and other interested persons are directed to the New Hampshire Department of Education Special Education Policies and Procedures Handbook.

Legal Reference:
NH Code of Admin. Rules, Section Ed. 1107.02 (b)

Adopted: November 5, 2009
Reviewed: February 2, 2017
Revised: January 5, 2023

Limited English Proficiency Instruction

If the District receives federal funding for English Language Learner (ELL) Programs, the following will be provided:
1. Parents will be notified of their student’s placement in a language program and their options associated with that placement. Notification will include the reasons for identifying the child as ELL and the reasons for placing the child in the specific program.
2. Students will participate in regular assessments in a manner that will yield an accurate assessment. Test waivers may be granted on a case-by-case basis for ELL students who demonstrate unusual and unique circumstances; however, students who have been educated in the United States for three years are required to participate in reading/language arts assessment in English.
3. Certification that teachers in the program are fluent in English as well as other languages used in instruction (if the district receives sub-grants).
4. Evaluation of the program and the academic success and language achievement of the students in the program. Parents will be notified of:
A. Their child’s level of English proficiency and how such level was assessed.
B. The status of their child’s academic achievement.
C. The method of instruction used in the program in which the child is placed and the methods of instruction used in other available programs.
D. Information as to how the program will meet their child’s educational strengths, assist him/her to learn English, and meet age-appropriate academic achievement standards.
E. Exit requirements for the program.
F. If the child has a disability, a statement as to how the ELL will meet objectives of the child’s Individualized Education Program (IEP).

Appendix IHBBA-R

Legal Reference: P.L. 107-110, No Child Left Behind Act of 2001

Adopted: June 5, 2008


Dear Parent/Guardian:

Your child,______________________________________ , has been identified as needing help to learn

English. To help improve his/her English skills, we have placed him/her in a________________________

(name of program)

He/she has been identified as a “Limited English Proficient/English Language Learner” (LEP/ELL) student and in need of help to learn English because:



Specifically, your child has the following levels of English Language skills:



We determined those levels in the following ways:



The status of your child’s academic achievement is:



Please see the attached pages for more specific information on the program we have chosen to improve your child’s English skills.

If applicable: The district offers other programs for English instruction. The attached pages explain how the other programs are different from your child’s program. If there are other programs available, you have the right to request that your child be removed from his/her current program immediately and placed in another program. If you want to do this, we will assist you in selecting a program for your child.

We encourage you to become involved in your child’s education. You can help him/her to learn English, achieve in his/her other academic classes, and meet the same standards that all students are expected to meet.

The district will hold regular meetings at least twice a year for parents/guardians of English learners, which we encourage you to attend. At those meetings, we will help you understand the goals of your child’s program and assist you in ways to help your children. We are always ready to listen and respond to any questions and recommendations.

Please read the attached pages carefully. If you have any questions about your child’s program, or if you would like to change your child’s program, we would like you to speak with_______________________________________________. All of us in the district are excited about improving your child’s English and overall academic skills.




Building Principal

Grading System


The Superintendent and/or designee and the Principal, in consultation with the professional staff, will develop a grading assessment system appropriate for the grade levels of the school. The grading system will be approved by the Board and published in the Parent-Student Handbook. All grading decisions shall be made at the school level and the decision shall be final.

Adopted: January 4, 2001

Animals in the Classroom


The Candia School Board recognizes that under the proper conditions, animals can be an effective teaching aid. In order to protect both children and animals, the following guidelines are adopted for use in the Candia Moore School:
1. Special consideration should be given to the effect of furred and feathered animals on allergic children before bringing the animals into the classroom.
2. The bringing of animals into the classroom must not violate city, state, and federal ordinances.
3. The only animals allowed in a classroom must be for a specific and appropriate educational purpose and shall be allowed for the amount of time necessary to achieve the educational goal.
4. All animals must be in good physical condition and vaccinated against transmittable diseases. Dogs, cats, and ferrets will require proof of original and booster rabies vaccination.
5. The teacher will be responsible for the proper control of animals brought to school for instructional purposes, including the effective protection of children when animals are in the school. This will include keeping the animal in an appropriate cage or container and handling fecal material in a sanitary manner.
6. No animals are to be allowed to run freely in the classrooms, food areas, or activity areas.
7. All fecal material must be cleaned from the cage of any mammal or rodent on an as needed basis (at a minimum of one time per week) and appropriate sanitizer used. Reptiles, fish, and insects must be cared for in a manner to minimize odor and maintain health. Persons cleaning cages must wear gloves, masks, and glasses or goggles.
8. All animals must be treated in a gentle and humane matter.

It will be the responsibility of the teacher to provide for a plan of care for classroom housed animals in the event of an emergency school closing which might cause disruption of the routine care of the animals. In the school where these animals are housed, there should be a plan whereby the staff member who visits the school daily during an emergency closing will be aware of the animals’ presence and see to their care. If no staff member visits the school daily in such circumstances, the teacher is responsible for the daily care of the animals.

Teachers must be contacted prior to having animals in their classroom. No animal shall be at school unless the teacher involved is familiar with the appropriate care, feeding, and handling of that animal and of any potential dangers caused by that animal. Many different diseases and afflictions may be transmitted by animal hair, dander, bites, and fecal material. It shall be the responsibility of the teacher to become familiar with each animal as it relates to the well-being of the individual students in that particular classroom.
The Principal shall be advised of any animals to be housed in the classroom. At the Principal’s discretion, permission to keep the animal may be denied based on these considerations:
1. The purpose for the animal’s presence.
2. The ability of the teacher to control the animal.
3. The past practice in the classroom.

Unauthorized Animals on School Grounds
Unauthorized animals are not allowed in the school building or on school grounds. Children and staff will be instructed to keep their own animals off the school grounds. The appropriate town official will be called and requested to impound all animals taken into custody by school personnel.

Adopted: April 3, 2003
Reviewed: October 6, 2011

Patriotic Exercises


The school district should begin the day with the recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance. Pupil participation in the recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance shall be voluntary. Pupils not participating in the recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance may silently stand or remain seated but shall be required to respect the rights of those pupils electing to participate. If this paragraph shall be declared unconstitutional or otherwise invalid, the remaining paragraphs in this section shall not be affected, and shall continue in full force and effect.

In accordance with federal law, the District shall offer an education program(s) each year on Constitution Day to commemorate the September 17, 1787 signing of the United States Constitution. The Principal shall establish administrative guidelines ensuring that the District observes Constitution Day properly and in a manner befitting the importance of the event.

Further, during the weeks of Memorial Day and Veterans Day, the district will devote time for exercises of a patriotic nature, including a discussion of the words, meaning, and history of the Pledge of Allegiance and the Star Spangled Banner.

New Hampshire observes General John Stark Day on the second Monday in April. Schools in the District may commemorate the day with appropriate educational activities.

Legal Reference:
RSA 189:18, Patriotic Exercises, 36 U.S. C. 106, Constitution Day and Citizenship Day, Section 111 of Div. J of Public Law 108-447, RSA 4:13-l, General John Stark Day

Adopted: January 4, 2001
Reviewed: February 2, 2017
Revised: March 7, 2018


Speakers and Programs


A goal of education is to prepare our students to participate constructively in a democratic,
pluralistic society, a society in which many different opinions are held and differing causes are
espoused. It is important that students develop an understanding of ideas and of people who
may seem alien to them. It is also important that they develop judgement, a capacity to discern
the difference between fact and opinion, and to weigh arguments, slogans, and appeals. Books,
files, and other media are valuable for giving students exposure to many differing ideas; but for
effective learning, it is also useful to invite appropriate persons not on the district educational
staff to speak to or to meet with groups of students as part of the educational process.

The Board, in an effort to uphold the students’ freedom to learn while also recognizing
obligations which the exercise of this freedom entails, establishes the following guidelines:

1. The teacher/sponsor and the Principal are expected to exercise judgement and to investigate
fully those proposed resource persons/speaker(s).

2. Teachers/sponsors should encourage the use of resource persons/speaker(s) representing
various approaches or points of view on a given topic in order to afford the students a more
comprehensive and balanced understanding of the topic/issue.

3. The ideas presented and the resource person/speaker invited to present them will have
demonstrable relation to the curricular or co-curricular activity in which the participating
students are involved.

4. The resource person/speaker will abide by the following board regulations:

a. Prior to finalizing an invitation the guest speaker must provide in writing to the
principal a summary of what the visit will entail including: all topics to be discussed, a
description of planned student interaction, a detailed description of planned activities
or exercises, and any other pertinent information.

b. Profanity, vulgarity, and lewd comments are prohibited.

c. The teacher/sponsor responsible for inviting the resource person/speaker or any
member of the school administration, has the right and duty to interrupt or suspend
any proceedings if the conduct of the resource person/speaker is judged to be in
poor taste or endangering to the health and safety of students and staff.

This policy will be given to the resource person prior to the event.

Adopted: January 4, 2001
Reviewed: April 6, 2023
Revised: June 6, 2024

Teaching about Religion


The Candia School Board believes that the observance of religious holidays is not the
responsibility of the public schools. Being that public schools are not places of worship, no
curricula, instruction, activities, assemblies, or decorations shall be designed or utilized to
promote, advocate for and/or endorse religion in general or a specific religion. It is
acknowledged by the Candia School Board that students have the First Amendment right to
express their religious faith and beliefs while at school provided that the manner in which they
choose to express themselves does not interfere with the educational experience of other

Given the inherent educational value in portraying historical events as objectively and accurately
as possible as part of classroom instruction, it may sometimes be necessary to discuss religion.
Teachers are expected do so in a manner that focuses on portraying the role of religion in
historical events objectively while refraining from either promoting or denigrating a specific
religion or religions.

Adopted: May 3, 2001
Revised: June 6, 2024

Tips for Planning Religious Holidays in Public Schools

Before planning a religious holiday activity in my classroom or school, I would ask the following

1. Is this activity designed in any way to either promote or inhibit religion?

2. How does this activity serve the academic goals of the course, or the educational mission of
the school?

3. Will any student or parent be made to feel like an outsider, not a full member of the
community, by this activity?

4. If in December: Do I plan activities to teach about religious holidays at various times of the
year or only in December?

5. Am I prepared to teach about the religious meaning of this holiday in a way that enriches
students’ understanding of history and cultures?

Daily Physical Activity


The purpose of this policy is to promote increased physical activities for students in grades K–8 and to help students develop the knowledge and skills necessary to perform a variety of physical activities, maintain physical fitness, regularly participate in physical activity, understand the short and long-term benefits of physical activity, and value and enjoy physical activity as an ongoing part of a healthful lifestyle. In addition, the Candia School District encourages the staff to participate in and model physical activity as a valuable part of daily life.

According to the U.S. Surgeon General, regular physical activity is one of the most important things people can do to maintain and improve their physical health, mental health, and overall well-being. Additionally, regular physical activity prevents adverse health consequences of childhood obesity and reduces the risk of premature death in general and of cardiovascular disease, stroke, high blood pressure, colon cancer, and Type II Diabetes in particular. Promoting a physically active lifestyle among young people is important because:
A.Through its effects on mental health, physical activity can help increase students’ capacity for learning and academic success;
B.Physical activity has substantial health benefits for children and adolescents, including favorable effects on endurance capacity, mental health, muscular strength, body weight, and blood pressure; and
C.Positive experiences with physical activity at a young age help lay the foundation for being regularly active throughout life.

For the purposes of this policy:
A.”Extracurricular and co-curricular activities” refers to school-sponsored voluntary programs that supplement regular education and contribute to the educational objectives of the school.
B.”Health-related physical fitness” refers to cardio respiratory endurance, muscular strength and endurance, flexibility, and body composition.
C.”Interscholastic athletics” refers to organized individual and team sports that involve more than one school.
D.”Intramurals” refers to physical activity programs that provide opportunities for all students to participate in sports, fitness, and recreational activities within their own school.
E.”Developmentally appropriate daily physical activity” means physical activity that is suitable for the cognitive age and individual characteristics of students.
F.”Physical education” refers to the program of physical education in Ed 306.
G.”Recess” refers to regularly scheduled periods within the school day for unstructured physical activity and play.
H.“Chronic inactivity” means an ongoing sedentary lifestyle.
I.“Other related health problems” means:
Physical illnesses;
Psychological illnesses; and
J.“Childhood obesity” means the term used to describe children and teenagers ages 2-20who are considered overweight because their body mass index as defined by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention is greater than or equal to the 95th percentile.

4.Components of Policy
School leaders are encouraged to develop and implement a plan that supports physical activity and that may include, but not be limited to the following:
A. A sequential physical education program that involves moderate to vigorous physical activity on a scheduled basis; teaches knowledge, motor skills, self-management skills, and positive attitudes; promotes activities and sports that students enjoy and can pursue throughout their lives; and is coordinated with the health education curriculum;
B.Time in the elementary school day for supervised recess with physical activities encouraged;
C.Opportunities and encouragement for students to initiate and voluntarily participate in before and after-school physical activity programs, such as intramurals, clubs, and interscholastic athletics;
D.School support for community recreation and youth sports programs and agencies that complement physical activity programs;
E.Opportunities for staff to be physically active;
F.Provisions for acquiring adequate resources to include funding, personnel, appropriate equipment and facilities;
G.Strategies to involve family members in program development and implementation; and
H.Strategies to encourage parents and/or guardians to support their children’s participation in physical activities and to be positive role models for active life styles.

The program should attempt to make effective use of school and community resources and to equitably serve the needs of interested students and staff, taking into consideration differences of gender, cultural norms, physical and cognitive abilities, and fitness levels. Additionally, a school’s developmentally appropriate daily physical activity program as recommended by Ed 310 shall be in addition to and shall not be a replacement for the physical education program requirement in Ed 306 and/or the Candia School District’s policies regarding physical education, extra or co-curricular, intramural, and/or interscholastic athletics programs.

Schools may work with recreation agencies and other community organizations to coordinate and enhance opportunities available to students and staff for physical activity during their out-of-school time. Schools are encouraged to negotiate mutually acceptable, fiscally responsible arrangements with community agencies and organizations to keep school-owned or district-owned facilities open for use by students, staff, and community members during non-school hours and vacations. School policies concerning safety shall apply at all times.

Legal Reference:
Ed 306.04(a)(17), Daily Physical Activity, Ed 306.04(l), Daily Physical Activity, Ed 310, Daily Physical Activity

Adopted: August 4, 2005
Revised: June 5, 2008
Reviewed: January 30, 2020




It is the policy of the Board that the Superintendent or his/her designee will develop and manage an assessment program that provides ongoing evaluation of the effectiveness of the curriculum on improving student performance. The program must adhere to the processes for selection, administration, and interpretation of assessment instruments specified below. This program will include both local and statewide assessment tools. The program must be aligned with the goals of the School District and be designed to assess each student’s progress toward meeting the defined curriculum objectives.

For the purposes of assessment of high school course work through the demonstration of student mastery of course competencies, the following definitions are established:
Course Level Competency: the expected content, concepts, and skills to be mastered in a course.
Competency Assessment: the process by which a student demonstrates sufficient evidence of learning.
Mastery: a student presenting sufficient evidence of attainment of the required competencies.

Test Results
Test results will be analyzed and used with other data for the following purposes:
• To identify individual student strengths and weaknesses in skill development;
• To diagnose strengths and weaknesses of groups;
• To individualize and improve instruction;
• To report progress to parents;
• To select curriculum materials;
• To set the pace of instruction;
• To select methods of instruction;
• To counsel students;
• To help determine revisions needed in the curriculum.
• To help determine professional development needs.


The selection process will include the professional staff in its efforts to investigate new assessment tools, evaluate existing outcomes and curriculum and instruction effectiveness. Assessment instruments selected will provide an authentic assessment of student learning outcomes through multiple formative and summative assessment instruments including, but not limited to teacher observation of project-based learning, including off-site learning projects; competency-based assessments; and teacher-designed quizzes and tests. Additional instruments may include written examinations, oral examinations, alternative questions, demonstrations, writing exercises, individual projects, group projects, performances, student portfolios, and samples of student’s best works.

The assessment program will include a schedule for administration to students, distributed to staff and the board before the start of each school year.
Each building principal will provide assurance that test procedures are followed at the school level including the distribution and collection of test materials, test security, use of test results and testing dates as well as other pertinent requirements. Readiness assessment shall be administered to all children entering first grade. Handicapped students must be provided the opportunity to participate in all student assessments. Any modifications in administration should be made and documented during the Individualized Education Program (IEP) review.

The Superintendent or designee will ensure that data from the student assessment program is compiled, analyzed, summarized, and reported to the Board annually. The Superintendent or designee is responsible for the scores of individual students and they shall be made available only to appropriate personnel within the school in which the student is enrolled and to parent(s) or legal guardian(s) of each student as provided by law. Interpretation of test results shall be made available to parents and students.

The Board will provide funding for the student assessment program, including professional development for teachers in the use of tools to understand assessment results, to adjust instruction to meet personalized needs of students, and to monitor progress.
The Superintendent will provide an ongoing evaluation of the assessment program, and will provide regular reports to the Board showing the effectiveness of the curriculum on improving student performance.

Legal Reference: RSA 193-C, Statewide Education Improvement and Assessment Program, NH Code of Administrative Rules Section Ed. 306.24, Assessment

Adopted: August 2, 2007


Evaluation of Instructional Programs

CSD File: IL

The Superintendent and/or designee will cause the evaluation of the instructional programs annually in accordance with local and state guidelines. She/he shall have the responsibility to report periodically to the Board on the progress the district is making towards the attainment of its educational goals.

Adopted: January 4, 2001
Reviewed: June 6, 2024