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Policy Categories Archives: Section J: Students

Section J contains policies on students in regards to admissions, attendance, rights and responsibilities, conduct, discipline, health and welfare, and school-related activities.

Pregnant Students


Maternal or paternal status shall not affect the rights and privileges of students to receive a public education.

Pregnant students shall be permitted to continue in school in all instances when continued attendance has the sanction of the expectant mother’s physician. The Board may require a physician’s statement of activity limitations.

Adopted: April 5, 2001

School District Internet Access for Students

See also EHAA, GBEF

The School Board recognizes that technological resources can enhance student performance by offering
effective tools to assist in providing a quality instructional program, facilitating communications with
parents/guardians, teachers, and the community, supporting District and school operations, and
improving access to and exchange of information. The Board expects all students to learn to use the
available technological resources that will assist them in the performance of their education. As needed,
students shall receive lessons and instruction in the appropriate use of these resources.

Students shall be responsible for the appropriate use of technology and shall use the District’s
technological resources primarily for purposes related to their education. Students are hereby notified
that there is no expectation of privacy on district computers, computer files, email, internet usage logs,
and other electronic data.

The Superintendent or designee shall ensure that all District computers with Internet access have a
technology protection measure that prevents access to visual depictions that are obscene or pornographic
and that the operation of such measures is enforced. The Superintendent or designee may disable the
technology protection measure during use by an adult to enable access for bona fide research,
educational or other lawful purpose.

The Superintendent shall establish administrative regulations and an Acceptable Use Agreement that
outlines student obligations and responsibilities related to the use of District technology. He/she also
may establish guidelines and limits on the use of technological resources. Inappropriate use may result
in a cancellation of the student’s user privileges, disciplinary action, and/or legal action in accordance
with law, Board policy, and administrative regulations.

The Superintendent or designee shall provide copies of related policies, regulations, and guidelines to all
students. Students shall be required to acknowledge in writing that they have read and understood the
District’s Acceptable Use Agreement.




Legal Reference:
RSA 194:3-d, School District Computer Networks


Adopted: June 7, 2012
Reviewed: June 6, 2019, June 3, 2021, September 8, 2022, June 1, 2023, June 6, 2024

Bullying – Pupil Safety and Violence Prevention Policy & Form


I. Definitions (RSA 193-F:3)
1. Bullying. Bullying is hereby defined as a single significant incident or a pattern of incidents involving a written, verbal, or electronic communication, or a physical act or gesture, or any combination thereof, directed at another pupil which:
(1) Physically harms a pupil or damages the pupil’s property;
(2) Causes emotional distress to a pupil;
(3) Interferes with a pupil’s educational opportunities;
(4) Creates a hostile educational environment; or
(5) Substantially disrupts the orderly operation of the school.

Bullying shall also include actions motivated by an imbalance of power based on a pupil’s actual or perceived personal characteristics, behaviors, or beliefs, or motivated by the pupil’s association with another person and based on the other person’s characteristics, behaviors, or beliefs.
2. Cyberbullying. Cyberbullying is defined as any conduct defined as “bullying” in this policy that is undertaken through the use of electronic devices. For purposes of this policy, any references to the term bullying shall include cyberbullying.
3. Electronic devices. Electronic devices include, but are not limited to, telephones, cellular phones, computers, pagers, electronic mail, instant messaging, text messaging, and websites.
4. School property. School property means all real property and all physical plant and equipment used for school purposes, including public or private school buses or vans.

Any reference in this policy to “parent” shall include parents or legal guardians.

II. Statement Prohibiting Bullying or Cyberbullying of a Pupil (RSA 193-F:4, II(a))
The Board is committed to providing all pupils a safe and secure school environment. This policy is intended to comply with RSA 193-F. Conduct constituting bullying and/or cyberbullying will not be tolerated and is hereby prohibited.

Further, in accordance with RSA 193-F:4, the District reserves the right to address bullying and, if necessary, impose discipline for bullying that:
(1) Occurs on, or is delivered to, school property or a school-sponsored activity or event on or off school property; or
(2) Occurs off of school property or outside of a school-sponsored activity or event, if the conduct interferes with a pupil’s educational opportunities or substantially disrupts the orderly operations of the school or school-sponsored activity or event.

The Superintendent of Schools is responsible for ensuring that this policy is implemented.

III. Statement prohibiting retaliation or false accusations (RSA 193-F:4, II(b))
False Reporting
A student found to have wrongfully and intentionally accused another of bullying may face discipline or other consequences, ranging from positive behavioral interventions up to and including suspension or expulsion.

A school employee found to have wrongfully and intentionally accused a student of bullying shall face discipline or other consequences be determined in accordance with applicable law, District policies, procedures and collective bargaining agreements.

Reprisal or Retaliation
The District will discipline and take appropriate action against any student, teacher, administrator, volunteer, or other employee who retaliates against any person who makes a good faith report of alleged bullying or against any person who testifies, assists, or participates in a proceeding or hearing relating to such bullying.
1. The consequences and appropriate remedial action for a student, teacher, school administrator or school volunteer who engages in reprisal or retaliation shall be determined by the Principal/Principal designee after consideration of the nature, severity and circumstances of the act, in accordance with law, Board policies and any applicable collective bargaining agreements.
2. Any student found to have engaged in reprisal or retaliation in violation of this policy shall be subject to measures up to, and including, suspension and expulsion.
3. Any teacher or school administrator found to have engaged in reprisal or retaliation in violation of this policy shall be subject to discipline up to, and including, termination of employment.
4. Any school volunteer found to have engaged in reprisal or retaliation in violation of this policy shall be subject to measures up to, and including, exclusion from school grounds.

Process To Protect Pupils From Retaliation
If the alleged victim or any witness expresses to the Principal/Principal designee or other staff member that he/she believes he/she may be retaliated against, the Principal/Principal designee shall develop a process or plan to protect that student from possible retaliation.

Each process or plan may be developed on a case-by-case basis. Suggestions include, but are not limited to, re-arranging student class schedules to minimize their contact, stern warnings to alleged perpetrators, temporary removal of privileges, or other means necessary to protect against possible retaliation.

IV. Protection of all Pupils (RSA 193-F:4, II(c))
This policy shall apply to all pupils and school-aged persons on school district grounds and participating in school district functions, regardless of whether or not such pupil or school-aged person is a student within the District.

V. Disciplinary Consequences For Violations of This Policy (RSA 193-F:4, II(d))
The district reserves the right to impose disciplinary measures against any student who commits an act of bullying, falsely accuses another student of bullying, or who retaliates against any student or witness who provides information about an act of bullying.

In addition to imposing discipline under such circumstances, the board encourages the administration and school district staff to seek alternatives to traditional discipline, including but not limited to early intervention measures, alternative dispute resolution, conflict resolution and other similar measures.

VI. Distribution and Notice of This Policy (RSA 193-F:4, II(e))
Staff and Volunteers
All staff will be provided with a copy of this policy annually. The Superintendent may determine the method of providing the policy (employee handbook, hard copy, etc.).

The Superintendent will ensure that all school employees and volunteers receive annual training on bullying and related district’s policies.

All students will be provided with a copy of this policy annually. The Superintendent may determine the method of providing the policy (student handbook, mailing, hard copy, etc.).
Students will participate in an annual education program which sets out expectations for student behavior and emphasizes an understanding of harassment, intimidation, and bullying of students, the District’s prohibition of such conduct and the reasons why the conduct is destructive, unacceptable, and will lead to discipline. Students shall also be informed of the consequences of bullying conduct toward their peers.

The Superintendent, in consultation with staff, may incorporate student anti-bullying training and education into the district’s curriculum, but shall not be required to do so.

All parents will be provided with a copy of this policy annually. The Superintendent may determine the method of providing the policy (parent handbook, mailing, etc.). Parents will be informed of the program and the means for students to report bullying acts toward them or other students. They will also be told that to help prevent bullying at school they should encourage their children to:
1. Report bullying when it occurs;
2. Take advantage of opportunities to talk to their children about bullying;
3. Inform the school immediately if they think their child is being bullied or is bullying other students;
4. Cooperate fully with school personnel in identifying and resolving incidents.

Additional Notice and School District Programs
The Board may, from time to time, host or schedule public forums in which it will address the anti-bullying policy, discuss bullying in the schools, and consult with a variety of individuals including teachers, administrators, guidance counselors, school psychologists and other interested persons.

VI. Procedure for Reporting Bullying (RSA 193-F:4, II(f))
At each school, the Principal/Principal designee shall be responsible for receiving complaints of alleged violations of this policy.
Student Reporting
1. Any student who believes he or she has been the victim of bullying should report the alleged acts immediately to the Principal/Principal designee. If the student is more comfortable reporting the alleged act to a person other than the Principal/Principal designee, the student may tell any school district employee or volunteer about the alleged bullying.
2. Any school employee or volunteer who witnesses, receives a report of, or has knowledge or belief that bullying may have occurred shall inform the Principal/Principal designee as soon as possible, but no later than the end of that school day.
3. The Principal/Principal designee may develop a system or method for receiving anonymous
reports of bullying. Although students, parents, volunteers and visitors may report anonymously, formal disciplinary action may not be based solely on an anonymous report. Independent verification of the anonymous report shall be necessary in order for any disciplinary action to be applied.
4. The administration may develop student reporting forms to assist students and staff in filing such reports. An investigation shall still proceed even if a student is reluctant to fill out the designated form and chooses not to do so.
5. Upon receipt of a report of bullying, the Principal/Principal designee shall commence an investigation consistent with the provisions of Section XI of this policy.

Staff Reporting
1. An important duty of the staff is to report acts or behavior that they witness that appears to constitute bullying.
2. All district employees and volunteers shall encourage students to tell them about acts that may constitute bullying. For young students, staff members may provide direct assistance to the student.
3. Any school employee or volunteer who witnesses, receives a report of, or has knowledge or belief that bullying may have occurred shall inform the Principal/Principal designee as soon as possible, but no later than the end of that school day.
4. Upon receipt of a report of bullying, the Principal/Principal designee shall commence an investigation consistent with the provisions of Section XI of this policy.

Parent Reporting
Any parent who believes that their student is being bullied or has been bullied will report the incident immediately to the Principal/Principal designee.

VII. Procedure for Internal Reporting Requirements (RSA 193-F:4, II(g))
In order to satisfy the reporting requirements of RSA 193-F:6, the Principal/Principal designee or designee shall be responsible for completing all New Hampshire Department of Education forms and reporting documents of substantiated incidents of bullying. Said forms shall be completed within 10 school days of any substantiated incident. Upon completion of such forms, the Principal/Principal designee or designee shall retain a copy for himself and shall forward one copy to the Superintendent. The Superintendent shall maintain said forms in a safe and secure location.

VIII. Notifying Parents of Alleged Bullying (RSA 193-F:4, II(h))
The Principal/Principal designee shall report to the parents of a student who has been reported as a victim of bullying and to the parents of a student who has been reported as a perpetrator of bullying within 48 hours of receiving the report. Such notification may be made by telephone, writing or personal conference. The date, time, method, and location (if applicable) of such notification and communication shall be noted in the report. All notifications shall be consistent with the student privacy rights under the applicable provisions of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA).

IX. Waiver of Notification Requirement (RSA 193-F:4, II(i))
The Superintendent may, within a 48 hour time period, grant the Principal/Principal designee a waiver from the requirement that the parents of the alleged victim and the alleged perpetrator be notified of the filing of a report. A waiver may only be granted if the Superintendent deems such a waiver to be in the best interest of the victim or perpetrator. Any waiver granted shall be in writing.

X. Investigative Procedures (RSA 193-F:4, II(j))
1. Upon receipt of a report of bullying, the Principal/Principal designee shall, within 5 school days, initiate an investigation into the alleged act. If the Principal/Principal designee is directly and personally involved with a complaint or is closely related to a party to the complaint, then the Superintendent shall direct another district employee to conduct the investigation.
2. The investigation may include documented interviews with the alleged victim, alleged perpetrator and any witnesses. All interviews shall be conducted privately, separately and shall be confidential. Each individual will be interviewed separately and at no time will the alleged victim and perpetrator be interviewed together during the investigation.
3. If the alleged bullying was in whole or in part cyberbullying, the Principal/Principal designee may ask students and/or parents to provide the District with printed copies of e-mails, text messages, website pages, or other similar electronic communications.
4. A maximum of 10 school days shall be the limit for the initial filing of incidents and completion of the investigative procedural steps.
5. Factors the Principal/Principal designee or other investigator may consider during the course of the investigation, including but not limited to: Description of incident, including the nature of the behavior; How often the conduct occurred; Whether there were past incidents or past continuing patterns of behavior; The characteristics of parties involved, (name, grade, age, etc.); The identity and number of individuals who participated in bullying behavior; Where the alleged incident(s) occurred; Whether the conduct adversely affected the student’s education or educational environment; Whether the alleged victim felt or perceived an imbalance or power as a result of the reported incident; and The date, time and method in which parents or legal guardians of all parties involved were contacted.
6. The Principal/Principal designee shall complete the investigation within 10 school days of receiving the initial report. If the Principal/Principal designee needs more than 10 school days to complete the investigation, the Superintendent may grant an extension of up to 7 school days. In the event such extension is granted, the Principal/Principal designee shall notify in writing all parties involved of the granting of the extension.
7. Whether a particular action or incident constitutes a violation of this policy shall require a determination based on all facts and surrounding circumstances and shall include recommended remedial steps necessary to stop the bullying and a written final report to the Principal/Principal designee.
8. Students who are found to have violated this policy may face discipline in accordance with other applicable board policies, up to and including suspension. Students facing discipline will be afforded all due process required by law.

XI. Response to Remediate Substantiated Instances of Bullying (RSA 193-F:4, II(k))
Consequences and appropriate remedial actions for a student or staff member who commits one or more acts of bullying or retaliation may range from positive behavioral interventions up to and including suspension or expulsion of students and dismissal from employment for staff members.
Consequences for a student who commits an act of bullying or retaliation shall be varied and graded according to the nature of the behavior, the developmental age of the student, and the student’s history of problem behaviors and performance. Remedial measures shall be designed to correct the problem behavior, prevent another occurrence of the problem, protect and provide support for the victim, and take corrective action for documented systematic problems related to bullying.
Examples of consequences may include, but are not limited to: Admonishment Temporary removal from classroom Deprivation of privileges Classroom or administrative detention Referral to disciplinarian In-school suspension Out-of-school suspension Expulsion
Examples of remedial measures may include, but are not limited to: Restitution Mediation Peer support group Corrective instruction or other relevant learning experience Behavior assessment Student counseling Parent conferences
In support of this policy, the Board promotes preventative educational measures to create greater awareness of aggressive behavior, including bullying. The Board encourages the Superintendent to work collaboratively with all staff members to develop responses other than traditional discipline as a way to remediate substantiated instances of bullying.

XII. Reporting of Substantiated Incidents to the Superintendent (RSA 193-F:4, II(l)
The Principal/Principal designee shall forward all substantiated reports of bullying to the Superintendent upon completion of the Principal/Principal designee’s investigation.

XIII. Communication With Parents Upon Completion of Investigation (RSA 193-F:4, II(m)
1. Within two school days of completing an investigation, the Principal/Principal designee will notify the students involved in person of his/her findings and the result of the investigation.
2. The Principal/Principal designee will notify via telephone the parents of the alleged victim and alleged perpetrator of the results of the investigation. The Principal/Principal designee will also send a letter to the parents within 24 hours again notifying them of the results of the investigation.
3. If the parents request, the Principal/Principal designee shall schedule a meeting with them to further explain his/her findings and reasons for his/her actions.
4. In accordance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act and other law concerning student privacy, the District will not disclose educational records of students including the discipline and remedial action assigned to those students and the parents of other students involved in a bullying incident.

VX. Appeal
1. For non-disciplinary remedial actions where no other review procedures govern, the parents of the pupils involved in the bullying shall have the right to appeal the Principal/Principal designee’s decision to the Superintendent in writing within five (5) school days. The Superintendent shall review the Principal/Principal designee’s decision and issue a written decision within ten (10) school days. If the aggrieved party is still not satisfied with the outcome, the aggrieved party may file a written request for review by the School Board within ten (10) school days of the Superintendent’s decision. The School Board will adhere to all applicable New Hampshire Department of Education administrative rules.
2. The procedures under RSA 193:13, Ed 317, and District policies establish the due process and appeal rights for students disciplined for acts of bullying.
3. The School Board or its designee will inform parents of any appeal rights they may have to the New Hampshire State Board of Education.

XV. School Officials (RSA 193-F:4, II(n)
The Superintendent of schools is responsible for ensuring that this policy is implemented.

XVI. Capture of Audio Recordings on School Buses
Pursuant to RSA 570-A:2, notice is hereby given that the Board authorizes audio recordings to be made in conjunction with video recordings of the interior of school buses while students are being transported to and from school or school activities. The Superintendent shall ensure that there is a sign informing the occupants of school buses that such recordings are occurring.

XVII. Use of Video or Audio Recordings in Student Discipline Matters
The District reserves the right to use audio and/or video recording devices on District property (including school buses) to ensure the health, safety and welfare of all staff, students and visitors. Placement and location of such devices will be established in accordance with the provisions of Policies EEAA, EEAE and ECAF.
In the event an audio or video recording is used as part of a student discipline proceeding, such video may become part of a student’s education record. If an audio or video recording does become part of a student’s education record, the provisions of Policy JRA shall apply.

The Superintendent is authorized to contact the District’s attorney for a full legal opinion relative in the event of such an occurrence.

Adopted: January 9, 2001 Legal References:
Adopted: August 10, 2004 RSA 193-F:3
Revised: May 13, 2008 RSA 570-A:2
Revised: April 13, 2010 NH Admin Rules, Section Ed 306.04(a)(8)
Revised: December 2, 2010
Revised: August 5, 2021


Modification Of A Weapons Expulsion


Pursuant to RSA 193:13, IV, the Superintendent may, upon written application of an expelled pupil,
recommend modification to the expulsion. Prior to the School Board’s consenting to such a
modification, the pupil shall be required to submit to the Superintendent sufficient evidence in the
form of letters, work history or other documents or testimony demonstrating that it is in the school’s
best interest and the pupil’s best interest to allow a modification. In making such a decision, due
regard will be given to other pupils and staff whose safety and well-being shall be of paramount

See policy JICI


An expelled pupil has the right to request a review of the expulsion prior to the start of each school

A request for review should be directed, by the pupil, to the Superintendent of Schools and should be
received by the Superintendent on or before July 1. The request shall set forth each and all reasons
why the pupil’s right to attend school should be reinstated. Of particular importance would
necessarily be such information as might convince school authorities that the conduct which led to the
expulsion would not be repeated.

The Superintendent of Schools or (or designee) and the Principal or an Assistant Principal at the
applicable school shall direct written recommendation to the Board with a copy to the pupil.
The expulsion may be continued: the pupil may be reinstated without conditions; or the pupil may be
required to meet certain conditions prior to reinstatement. A code of conduct and consequences may
be established for a reinstated pupil that are more strict than for the general student population.


The mandatory 12-month expulsion from school for bringing or possessing a firearm in a safe school
zone may be modified on a case-by-case basis in the sole discretion of the Superintendent of Schools
in the following situations:

1. The Superintendent determines that possession of the firearm was inadvertent in that
another person had left the firearm in the pupil’s vehicle; and the pupil had not noticed that
s/he was bringing the firearm within the safe school zone; or

2. The Superintendent determines that the pupil intended to use the firearm for sport
immediately before or after school and had no intention to display the firearm to other

3. The pupil is in the fifth grade or lower grade and the Superintendent determines that the
pupil did not properly understand the dangers of firearms when the firearm was brought to

4. The Superintendent determines that the firearm was not loaded; and that no ammunition
was reasonably available; and that the pupil had no intention to display the firearm to other

Adopted: October 6, 2011
Revised: November 2, 2023

Threatening Behavior/Treatening Acts


The Candia School District is committed to providing every student with a safe and supportive environment in which everyone behaves responsibly and respectfully toward others. To this end, threats of harm to self or others, threatening behavior or acts of violence, including threats to damage school or personal property shall not be tolerated on school district property or at activities under the jurisdiction of the school district.

Students shall be encouraged to report to a teacher, counselor, or administrator any information or knowledge relevant to conduct prohibited by this policy. Parents and others will be encouraged to report such information to school district staff. Staff shall immediately notify an administrator of any threat, threatening behavior, or act of violence he/she has knowledge of, has witnessed, or received. All reports will be promptly investigated.

Students found in violation of this policy shall be subject to discipline up to and including expulsion. The Superintendent and/or designee will develop disciplinary procedures to comply with this policy. Referral to the local law agency may be made.

Adopted: January 8, 2004

Acceptable Internet Use Procedures – Students


The purpose of the Acceptable Use Procedures is to provide the procedures, rules, guidelines, and the
code of conduct for the use of technology and the Internet.

The definition of “information networks” is any configuration of hardware and software, which connects
users. The network includes, but is not limited to, all of the computer hardware, operating system
software, application software, stored text and data files. This includes electronic mail, local databases,
externally accessed databases, DVD/CD-ROM, recorded magnetic or optical media, clip art, digital
images, digitized information, communications technologies, and new technologies as they become
available. Stand-alone workstations are also governed by this acceptable use procedure.

The School District Services
The School District provides resources for teaching and learning, communication services, and business
data services by maintaining access to local, regional, national, and international sources of information.
The School District information resources will be used by members of the school community with respect
for the public trust through which they have been provided and in accordance with policy and regulations
established by the School District. These procedures do not attempt to articulate all required or
proscribed behavior by its users.

Successful operation of the network requires that all users conduct themselves in a responsible, decent,
ethical and polite manner while using the network. The user is ultimately responsible for his/her actions
in accessing the network.

1. Access to the networks and to the information technology environment within the District is a
privilege and must be treated as such by all users of the network and its associated systems.
2. Information networks will be used for the purposes of research, education, and school-related
business and operations.
3. Any system which requires password access or for which the District requires an account, will
only be used by the authorized user. Account users are ultimately responsible for all activity
under their accounts.
4. The resources of the District are limited. All users must exercise prudence in the shared use
of this resource.

Unacceptable Use
The District has the right to take disciplinary action, remove device(s) and networking privileges and/or
take legal action, for any activity characterized as unethical and unacceptable.

Unacceptable use activities constitute, but are not limited to, any activity through which any user:
1. Violates such matters as institutional or third-party copyright, license agreements or other
contracts. The unauthorized use of and/or copying of software is illegal.
2. Interferes with or disrupts other network users, services or equipment. Disruptions include,
but are not limited to: distribution of unsolicited advertising, propagation of malware, distributing
quantities of information that overwhelm the system, and/or using a District network to make
unauthorized entry into any other resource accessible via the network.
3. Seeks to gain or gains unauthorized access to information resources.
4. Uses or knowingly allows another to use any device or computer system to devise or execute
a scheme to defraud or to obtain money, property, services, or other things of value by false
pretenses, promises, or representations.
5. Destroys, alters, dismantles or otherwise interferes with the integrity of computer based
information and/or information resources.
6. Invades the privacy of individuals or entities.
7. Uses the network for commercial or political activity.
8. Installs unauthorized software for use on District device.
9. Uses a network to access inappropriate materials.
10. Submits, publishes or displays any defamatory, inaccurate, racially offensive, abusive, obscene,
profane, sexually oriented, or threatening materials or messages either publicly or privately.
11. Uses a District network for illegal harassing, vandalizing, inappropriate or obscene purposes,
or in support of such activities.

School District Rights
The District reserves the right to:
1. Monitor all activity. Notwithstanding FERPA and other related laws, students have no
expectation of privacy regarding their use on the school district computer network.
2. Make determinations on whether specific uses of a network are consistent with these
acceptable use procedures.
3. Log network use and monitor storage utilization by users.
4. Determine what is appropriate use.
5. Remove a user’s access to the device or network at any time it is determined that the user
engaged in unauthorized activity or violated these acceptable use procedures.
6. Cooperate fully with any investigation concerning or relating to the District’s network activity.

School District Internet Code of Conduct
Use of the Internet by students and staff of the District shall be in support of education and research that
is consistent with the mission of the District. Internet use is limited to those persons who have been
issued District-approved accounts. Use will be in accordance with the District’s Acceptable Use
Procedures and this Code of Conduct. Users are expected to abide by the following terms and
1. Protect their Internet log-in information from others.
2. Respect the privacy of other users. Do not use other users’ passwords.
3. Be ethical and courteous. Do not send hate, harassing or obscene mail, discriminatory
remarks, or demonstrate other antisocial behaviors.
4. Maintain the integrity of files and data. Do not modify or copy files/data of other users
without their consent.
5. Treat information created by others as the private property of the creator. Respect
6. Use any network in a way that does not disrupt its use by others.
7. Do not destroy, modify or abuse the hardware or software in any way.
8. Do not develop or pass on programs that harass other users or infiltrate a computer or
computing system and/or damage the software components of a computer or computing system,
such as viruses, worms or other malware, “chain” messages, etc.
9. Do not use the Internet to access or process pornographic or otherwise inappropriate
10. Do not use the Internet for commercial purposes.

The District reserves the right to remove a user’s account if it is determined that the user is engaged in
unauthorized activity or is violating this code of conduct.

School District Internet Access Release Form
As a condition of my right to use the School District network resources, including access to the Internet,
students understand and agree to the following:
1. To abide by the District Acceptable Use Procedures and Code of Conduct.
2. That District administrators and designated staff have the right to review any material stored
on District computers in files and to edit or remove any material which they, in their sole
discretion, believe may be unlawful, obscene, abusive, or otherwise objectionable and students
hereby waive any right of privacy which I may otherwise have to such material.
3. That the School District will not be liable for any direct or indirect, incidental, or consequential
damages due to information gained and/or obtained via use of the District’s network resources.
4. That the School District does not warrant that the functions of any District network, or any
network accessible through District resources, will meet any specific requirements you may have,
or that the network resources will be error-free or uninterrupted.
5. That the School District shall not be liable for any direct or indirect, incidental, or
consequential damages (including lost data or information) sustained or incurred in connection
with the use, operation, or inability to use District networks and resources.
6. That the use of the District network(s), including access to public networks, is a privilege
which may be revoked by network administrators at any time for violation of the Acceptable Use
Procedures and Code of Conduct. The School District will be the sole arbiter(s) of what
constitutes violation of the Acceptable Use Procedures or Code of Conduct.
7. In consideration for the privilege of using the School District network resources and in
consideration for having access to the public networks, I hereby release the School District, its
operators, and any institutions with which they are affiliated from any and all claims and
damages of any nature arising from my use, or inability to use, the District network resources.


Name of User/Student: ________________________________________

Home phone: ________________________________________

School of Attendance: ________________________________________


I hereby certify that I have read the Acceptable Use Policy and Procedures; that I fully understand their
terms and conditions; and that I will abide by the terms and conditions set forth in this document.


Signature of User/Student: ________________________________________

Date: ________________________________________

Signature of Building Principal: ________________________________________

Date: ________________________________________


Adopted: June 7, 2012
Reviewed: June 6, 2019
Revised: June 3, 2021
Reviewed: September 8, 2022, June 1, 2023, June 6, 2024

Concussions & Head Injuries


The School Board recognizes that concussions and head injuries are commonly reported injuries in children and adolescents who participate in sports and other recreational activities. The Board acknowledges the risk of catastrophic injuries or death is significant when a concussion or head injury is not properly evaluated and managed. The Board recognizes that the majority of concussions will occur in “contact” or “collisions” sports. However, in order to ensure the safety of all District student-athletes, this policy will apply to all competitive athletic activities as identified by the board and administration.

Consistent with the National Federation of High School (NFHS) and the New Hampshire Interscholastic Athletic Association (NHIAA), the District will utilize recommended guidelines, procedures and other pertinent information to inform and educate coaches, youth athletes, and parents/guardians of the nature and risk of concussions or head injuries, including the dangers associated with continuing to play after a concussion or head injury.

Annually, the district will distribute a head injury and concussion information sheet to all parents/guardians of student-athletes in competitive sport activities prior to the student-athlete’s initial practice or competition.

For purposes of this policy, “student-athlete” means a student involved in any intramural sports program conducted outside the regular teaching day or competitive student sports program between schools in grades 5 through 8.

For purposes of this policy, “student sports” means intramural sports programs conducted outside the regular teaching day for students in grades 5 through 8 or competitive athletic programs between schools for students in grades 5 through 8, including all NHIAA sanctioned activities, including cheer/dance squads, or any other district-sponsored sports or activities as determined by the board or administration.

For purposes of this policy, “head injury” means injuries to the scalp, skull, or brain caused by trauma, and shall include a concussion which is the most common type of sports-related brain injury.

All coaches, including volunteers, will complete training as recommended and/or provided by NHIAA, New Hampshire Department of Education and/or other pertinent organizations. Additionally, all coaches of competitive sport activities will comply with NHIAA recommended procedures for the management of head injuries and concussions.

Athletic Director or Administrator in Charge of Athletic Duties
Updating: Each spring, the athletic director or designee shall review any changes that have been made in procedures required for concussion and head injury management or other serious injury by consulting with the NHIAA or the District’s on-call physician, if applicable. If there are any updated procedures, they will be adopted and used for the upcoming school year.

Coach Training: All coaches shall undergo training in head injury and concussion management at least once every two years by one of the following means: (1) through viewing the NHIAA sport-specific rules clinic; or (2) through viewing the NHIAA concussion clinic.

Parent Information Sheet: On a yearly basis, a concussion and head injury information sheet shall be distributed to the student-athlete and the athlete’s parent/guardian prior to the student-athlete’s initial practice or competition. This information sheet may be incorporated into the parent permission sheet that allows students to participate in extracurricular athletics.

Coach’s Responsibility: A student-athlete who is suspected of sustaining a concussion or head injury or other serious injury in a practice or game shall be immediately removed from play.

Administrative Responsibilities: The Superintendent or his/her designee will keep abreast of changes in standards regarding concussion, explore staff professional development programs relative to concussions, and will explore other areas of education, training and programs.

Removal From Play and Protocol For Return To Play
Any coach, official, licensed athletic trainer, or health care provider who suspects that a student-athlete has sustained a concussion or head injury in a practice or game shall immediately remove the student-athlete from play. A student-athlete who has been removed from play shall not return to play on the same day or until he/she is evaluated by a health care provider and receives medical clearance and written authorization from that health care provider to return to play. The student-athlete shall also present written permission from a parent/guardian to return to play.

The District may limit a student-athlete’s participation as determined by the student’s treating health care provider.

Concussion Awareness and Education
To the extent possible, the District will implement concussion awareness and education into physical education and/or health education curriculum.

Academic Issues in Concussed Students
In the event a student is concussed, regardless of whether the concussion was a result of a school-related or non-school-related activity, school district staff should be mindful that the concussion may affect the student’s ability to learn. In the event a student has a concussion, that student’s teachers will be notified.

Teachers should report to the school nurse if the student appears to have any difficulty with academic tasks that the teacher believes may be related to the concussion. The school nurse will notify the student’s parents and treating physician. Administrators and district staff will work to establish a protocol and course of action to ensure the student is able to maintain his/her academic responsibilities while recovering from the concussion.

Section 504 accommodations may be developed in accordance with applicable law and board policies.

Legal References:
RSA 200:49, RSA 200:50, RSA 205:51, RSA 200:52
Adopted: December 6, 2012
Revised: April 7, 2016
Revised: January 26, 2021

Special Physical Health Needs Of Students


The School District will meet the special physical health needs of all students, consistent with state and federal law.

Legal References: NH Ed Admin Rule Ed 306.04(a)(20)

Adopted: December 6, 2012


School Guidance And Counseling Program


The School Board is committed to ensuring a high quality school guidance program that is comprehensive, developmentally appropriate, fosters academic achievement and personal growth, and is provided to all District students in an equitable manner.

The program will include the following:
– Distribution of information and support to students and families about academic programming, community supports, and other relevant information.
– Coordination with national standards.
– Prevention, intervention, and crisis response services.
– Promotion of personal, interpersonal, health, academic, and career development for all students through classroom programs and other services.
– All provisions of NH Administrative Rules, Section Ed 306, Minimum Standards for Public School Approval.

It is the policy of this Board that at all grade levels, the school counselor collaborates with parents, students, staff, and community to remove barriers to learning and provide opportunities and supports to empower students to embrace their full potential and achieve their academic and personal aspirations. The guidance counselor is responsible for developing a program or plan that identifies student success in academic performance, social awareness, and career planning.

Legal References:
NH Admin Rules, Sec. Ed 306.13,
NH Admin Rules, Sec. Ed 306.15(b),
NH Admin Rules, Sec. Ed 306.39(c) and 306.39(d)

Adopted: October 2, 2008


Behavior Management And Intervention


It is the policy of the Board to promote good behavior in a safe and orderly environment where all students can be fully engaged in the learning process. To ensure that our students and staff are protected against disruptive behavior, the board directs the Superintendent or his/her designee to set forth procedures for behavior management and interventions that are designed to maintain a positive environment that is conducive to learning.

Student conduct that disrupts classwork, causes disorder, or interferes with the rights of others will not be tolerated and shall be cause for disciplinary action, which may include suspension.

The administration of disciplinary action will focus both on consequences and on changing or managing inappropriate behavior. Parents will be contacted regarding chronic and/or significant violations to the code of conduct.

If the student has an Individualized Education Program (IEP), the process will follow federal and state laws governing special education.

All available resources should be utilized, including preventive and responsive interventions to support students’ needs. These interventions could include psychological, curricular, and behavioral services, which should take place within classrooms, schools, and alternative settings. Exclusion from the classroom should be the disciplinary action of last resort.

The superintendent will also ensure that classroom behavior management skills are addressed through professional development, and that there is an adequate system of record keeping regarding disciplinary infractions and interventions.

The use of corporal punishment is prohibited in District schools.

This policy will be reviewed on an ongoing basis in accordance with the Board’s policy review process.

Legal Reference:
NH Code of Administrative Rules, Section Ed. 306.04(16)

Adopted: August 2, 2007
Revised: January 2, 2020