Policies » Section G: Personnel » GBEBD: Employee Use Of Social Networking Websites
Policy Date: 04/01/2021
Download Policy NowCSD File: GBEBD
The School Board strongly prohibits school district staff from using social media websites and
applications, email, and/or all other forms of internet based communication to communicate with
students for any purpose that may be deemed non-academic.
All school district employees, faculty and staff who participate in social media, shall not post and/or
disseminate in any way, any school district data, documents, photographs or other district owned or
created information on any website. Furthermore, the posting and/or dissemination of any such material
using social media websites and application and/or other internet based forms of communication is
strictly prohibited.
School district employees are prohibited from engaging in any conduct on social networking websites that
violates the law, school board policies, or other standards of conduct. Employees who violate this policy
may face discipline and/or termination, in line with other school board policies and/or collective
bargaining agreements, if applicable.
Nothing in this policy prohibits employees, faculty, staff or students from the use of educational websites,
applications, or other internet based tools and methods of communication if used solely for educational
Access of social networking websites and applications for individual use during school hours is prohibited.
Adopted: October 4, 2012
Approved: April 1, 2021