CSD File: CB
The Administration of the school system in all its aspects shall be delegated to the
Superintendent, who shall carry out his/her administrative functions in accordance with the
policies adopted by the Board.
The Superintendent shall be the chief executive officer of the school system and shall have,
under the direction of the Board and in conformance with state laws and policies, general
supervision of the public schools and of all the personnel and departments of the school system.
The Superintendent is responsible for the management of the schools under the Board’s policies
and is accountable to the Board. Further, the Superintendent is accountable to the
Commissioner of Education for carrying out duties specified by the State Board of Education
and/or the Commissioner.
By its nature, the position of Superintendent of Schools is an exacting position. In addition to the
minimum requirements specifically set forth by the State Board of Education and the School
Board, the Superintendent shall possess the following qualifications:
S/he shall be of good character and of unquestionable morals and integrity.
S/he shall possess good judgement and common sense along with the ability to think clearly and
independently, relying on facts instead of prejudices.
S/he shall demonstrate high business and educational ability and leadership.
S/he shall have the capacity for maintaining the respect of educational leaders in neighboring
districts and in the State of New Hampshire.
The Superintendent, in his/her discretion, may delegate to school personnel the exercise of any
powers and the discharge of any duties imposed upon the Superintendent by these policies or by
vote of the Board. The delegation of power or duty, however, shall not relieve the
Superintendent of responsibility for the action taken under such delegation.
In addition to carrying out all policies and directives of the School Administrative Unit School
Board and each individual School Board, the Superintendent is required by the State Board of
Education to do the following:
Role Description (in accordance with the State Board of Education Regulation, Part ED 302
The Superintendent shall serve as the executive head of the public schools, and shall be
responsible for planning and administering their affairs subject to statutory requirements, the
regulations of the State Board of Education, and the policies of the districts.
The position shall develop and maintain a system of public schools, capably staffed to provide
quality education and supportive services. The Superintendent shall provide, develop, and
implement the procedures to achieve educational objectives within the administrative unit.
In performance of these duties, the Superintendent shall be directly responsible to the State
Board of Education through its Commissioner, and the Board or Boards of the School
Administrative Unit.
The Superintendent may be supported by one or more assistants. The Superintendent shall
delegate such of the duties as are necessary and desirable for the efficient completion of the
requirements of the position.
Substantive Duties (Ed 302.02)
a. The Superintendent shall nominate all professional and central office personnel.
b. The Superintendent shall direct and supervise the work of all employees of the district and
shall have all powers necessary to make such direction effective. While the Superintendent
has ultimate responsibility, the delegation of powers and duties to other personnel is a
proper exercise of the office.
c. The Superintendent shall nominate all certified staff and appoint other employees in
accordance with the laws, regulations of the State Board of Education, and School Board
d. The Superintendent shall be responsible for the selection and purchase of textbooks and
other scholastic apparatus and supplies in accordance with the regulations of the School
Board and the State Board and see that the same are suitably distributed to the school,
accurately accounted for and economically used.
e. The Superintendent shall be responsible for developing and recommending to the School
Board the annual budget for the support of the educational program and for the operation
and maintenance of schools in accordance with School Board policy.
f. The Superintendent of Schools shall be responsible for an accounting system and financial
reporting procedure in order that all funds will be accounted for in accordance with School
Board policy and local and state law.
g. The Superintendent shall be responsible for the development of an educational plan for the
Candia School District and for recommending a program of studies suitable to the needs of
the pupils and the community in accordance with School Board policies, state statutes, and
State Board regulations.
h. The Superintendent may, for cause, remove a teacher or other employee of the District in
accordance with state statutes.
i. The Superintendent shall recommend the dismissal of certified staff to the Board, recognizing
its authority to dismiss according to the statutes.
j. The Superintendent shall provide for temporary vacancies and shall have the authority to
secure supplies immediately needed for the operation of the schools.
k. The Superintendent shall be responsible for maintaining records and making reports as
required by the State Board of Education and the School Boards.
l. The Superintendent shall admit pupils to school attendance in accordance with the laws of
the state, regulations of the State Board, and policies of the School Board. The
Superintendent shall assign pupils to such classes and grades as their needs warrant.
m. The Superintendent shall provide for the alleviation of hazardous conditions of an emergency
nature that affect the health and welfare of pupils.
n. The Superintendent shall be responsible for the evaluation of personnel and programs in
accordance with School Board policies.
o. The Superintendent shall be responsible, after notice, for the implementation of the policies
and regulations of the State Board of Education. The Superintendent is expected to
participate in the development and evaluation of said policies and regulations as requested
by the Commissioner of Education.
Regulatory Reference:
NH Code of Administrative Rules Section Ed. 302
Adopted: December 2, 1999
Revised: November 2, 2023