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Policy Categories Archives: Section C: General School Administration

Section C contains policies on school management, administrative organization, and school building and department administration, including the administrative aspect of special programs and system-wide reforms such as school or site-based management. It also houses personnel policies on the Superintendent and school administrators.

School Superintendent

CSD File: CB

The Administration of the school system in all its aspects shall be delegated to the
Superintendent, who shall carry out his/her administrative functions in accordance with the
policies adopted by the Board.

The Superintendent shall be the chief executive officer of the school system and shall have,
under the direction of the Board and in conformance with state laws and policies, general
supervision of the public schools and of all the personnel and departments of the school system.
The Superintendent is responsible for the management of the schools under the Board’s policies
and is accountable to the Board. Further, the Superintendent is accountable to the
Commissioner of Education for carrying out duties specified by the State Board of Education
and/or the Commissioner.

By its nature, the position of Superintendent of Schools is an exacting position. In addition to the
minimum requirements specifically set forth by the State Board of Education and the School
Board, the Superintendent shall possess the following qualifications:

S/he shall be of good character and of unquestionable morals and integrity.

S/he shall possess good judgement and common sense along with the ability to think clearly and
independently, relying on facts instead of prejudices.

S/he shall demonstrate high business and educational ability and leadership.

S/he shall have the capacity for maintaining the respect of educational leaders in neighboring
districts and in the State of New Hampshire.

The Superintendent, in his/her discretion, may delegate to school personnel the exercise of any
powers and the discharge of any duties imposed upon the Superintendent by these policies or by
vote of the Board. The delegation of power or duty, however, shall not relieve the
Superintendent of responsibility for the action taken under such delegation.

In addition to carrying out all policies and directives of the School Administrative Unit School
Board and each individual School Board, the Superintendent is required by the State Board of
Education to do the following:

Role Description (in accordance with the State Board of Education Regulation, Part ED 302

The Superintendent shall serve as the executive head of the public schools, and shall be
responsible for planning and administering their affairs subject to statutory requirements, the
regulations of the State Board of Education, and the policies of the districts.

The position shall develop and maintain a system of public schools, capably staffed to provide
quality education and supportive services. The Superintendent shall provide, develop, and
implement the procedures to achieve educational objectives within the administrative unit.
In performance of these duties, the Superintendent shall be directly responsible to the State
Board of Education through its Commissioner, and the Board or Boards of the School
Administrative Unit.

The Superintendent may be supported by one or more assistants. The Superintendent shall
delegate such of the duties as are necessary and desirable for the efficient completion of the
requirements of the position.

Substantive Duties (Ed 302.02)

a. The Superintendent shall nominate all professional and central office personnel.

b. The Superintendent shall direct and supervise the work of all employees of the district and
shall have all powers necessary to make such direction effective. While the Superintendent
has ultimate responsibility, the delegation of powers and duties to other personnel is a
proper exercise of the office.

c. The Superintendent shall nominate all certified staff and appoint other employees in
accordance with the laws, regulations of the State Board of Education, and School Board

d. The Superintendent shall be responsible for the selection and purchase of textbooks and
other scholastic apparatus and supplies in accordance with the regulations of the School
Board and the State Board and see that the same are suitably distributed to the school,
accurately accounted for and economically used.

e. The Superintendent shall be responsible for developing and recommending to the School
Board the annual budget for the support of the educational program and for the operation
and maintenance of schools in accordance with School Board policy.

f. The Superintendent of Schools shall be responsible for an accounting system and financial
reporting procedure in order that all funds will be accounted for in accordance with School
Board policy and local and state law.

g. The Superintendent shall be responsible for the development of an educational plan for the
Candia School District and for recommending a program of studies suitable to the needs of
the pupils and the community in accordance with School Board policies, state statutes, and
State Board regulations.

h. The Superintendent may, for cause, remove a teacher or other employee of the District in
accordance with state statutes.

i. The Superintendent shall recommend the dismissal of certified staff to the Board, recognizing
its authority to dismiss according to the statutes.

j. The Superintendent shall provide for temporary vacancies and shall have the authority to
secure supplies immediately needed for the operation of the schools.

k. The Superintendent shall be responsible for maintaining records and making reports as
required by the State Board of Education and the School Boards.

l. The Superintendent shall admit pupils to school attendance in accordance with the laws of
the state, regulations of the State Board, and policies of the School Board. The
Superintendent shall assign pupils to such classes and grades as their needs warrant.

m. The Superintendent shall provide for the alleviation of hazardous conditions of an emergency
nature that affect the health and welfare of pupils.

n. The Superintendent shall be responsible for the evaluation of personnel and programs in
accordance with School Board policies.

o. The Superintendent shall be responsible, after notice, for the implementation of the policies
and regulations of the State Board of Education. The Superintendent is expected to
participate in the development and evaluation of said policies and regulations as requested
by the Commissioner of Education.

Regulatory Reference:
NH Code of Administrative Rules Section Ed. 302

Adopted: December 2, 1999
Revised: November 2, 2023

Individual School Administrative Personnel


The Principal shall be elected by the School Board following nomination by the Superintendent. A
process for candidacy will be developed by the School Board and Superintendent. Candidates for
position of Principal will file a formal, written application with the Superintendent of Schools. All
applications will be screened by the Superintendent and a number will be selected for an
interview by the Superintendent and the School Board, or a screening committee appointed by
the Board.

The Principal of the Candia Moore School shall act as the chief administrative officer for the
school building and grounds. He/She shall be responsible for, and shall have authority over the
actions of students, professional and non-professional employees, visitors, volunteers, and
persons hired to perform special tasks. He/She shall perform the powers and duties the Principal
prescribed by the New Hampshire State Board of Education regulations.

The Principal shall keep the Superintendent informed of activities in his/her building by whatever
means the Superintendent deems appropriate.

The Board encourages the Principal to keep them and the public advised of academic events and
activites of special interest.

The Principal shall attend School Board meetings if requested by the Superintendent or the
School Board.

Statutory Reference:
RSA186:8 Statutory Authority

Adopted: December 2, 1999
Reviewed: January 6, 2022

Line And Staff Relations


General Operations
The following principles shall govern the administrative operation of the school system:
1. The school shall be encouraged to develop its educational program most appropriate for the
students attending the Henry Moore School, consistent with School Board policy, state law, and
State Board regulations.
2. The Superintendent shall have specific responsibility for overseeing the pattern and sequence of
educational experiences provided for its school age children.
3. Responsibility shall flow simply and clearly from the support staff and teachers to the appropriate
building administrator.
4. Each member of the staff shall be informed as to whom she/he is responsible and for what
5. Whenever feasible, each member of the staff shall be made responsible to only one immediate
superior for any one function.
6. Each staff member shall be informed as to whom she/he can go for help in working out his/her
own functions in the school program.

Line of Responsibility
Each employee in the district, except the clerk, treasurer, auditor and counsel, shall be responsible to
the Board through the Superintendent and school Principal.

All personnel shall refer matters requiring administrative action to the administrator immediately in
charge of the area in which the problem arises.

Administrators shall refer such matters to the next higher authority when necessary.

The Superintendent in administering this policy shall be guided by the knowledge that the Board
values the freest possible interchange of ideas outside the established framework of direct
responsibility as preeminently desirable in the Candia School District. Nothing provided herein shall
be interpreted as intended to interrupt the free and open flow of ideas and assistance among
personnel at every level.

Adopted: November 12, 1975
Adopted: December 2, 1999
Reviewed: January 6, 2022

School Building Administration

CSD File: CF

The School Board reaffirms the rights and responsibilities of the building Principal for the
administration of their various programs and buildings within the broad scope of the adopted
Board policies.

Specifically, the Candia Moore School Principal is the responsible head and professional leader in
the development of the educational program and the improvement of instruction in the school.

All personnel will work through and under the direction of the Principal in the performance of
their duties within the Candia Moore School.

Adopted: December 2, 1999
Reviewed: January 6, 2022

Policy Implementation

CSD File: CH

The administration of the school system in all its aspects shall be delegated to the
Superintendent who shall carry out his/her administrative functions in accordance with the
policies adopted by the Board. The execution of all decisions made by the Board concerning the
internal operation of the school system shall be delegated to the Superintendent.

Adopted: December 2, 1999
Reviewed: January 6, 2022

Administration Goals

CSD File: CA

Proper administration of the schools is most vital to a successful educational program. The general purpose of the administration shall be to coordinate and supervise, under the policies of the School Administrative Unit and each School Board, the creation and operation of an environment in which students learn most effectively. Administration duties and functions should be appraised in terms of the contribution made to improving instruction and learning. The Board shall rely on its chief executive officer, the Superintendent, to provide at the district level the professional administrative leadership demanded by such a far-reaching goal. Vision, initiative, resourcefulness, and wise leadership — as well as consideration and concern for staff members, students, parents, and others — are essential for effective Administration.

The Superintendent, the Principal, and all other administrators shall have the authority and responsibility necessary for his/her specific administrative assignment. Each shall likewise be accountable for the effectiveness with which the administrative assignment is carried out. The Board shall be responsible for specifying requirements and expectations of the Superintendent, then holding the Superintendent accountable by evaluating how well those requirements and expectations have been met. In turn, the Superintendent shall be responsible for clearly specifying requirements and expectations for all other administrators, then for holding each accountable by evaluating how well requirements and expectations have been met.

Major goals of Administration shall be:
1. To manage the District’s various departments, units, and programs effectively.
2. To provide professional advice and counsel to the School Administrative Unit and each School Board and to advisory groups established by board action. Preferably, where feasible, this will be done through reviewing alternatives, analyzing the advantages and disadvantages of each, and recommending a selection from among alternatives.
3. To implement the management function so as to assure the best and most effective learning programs, through achieving such sub-goals as (a) providing leadership in keeping abreast of current educational developments; (b) arranging for the staff development necessary to the establishment and operation of learning programs that better meet more learner needs; (c) coordinating cooperative efforts at improvement of learning programs, facilities, equipment, and materials; and (d) providing access to the decision-making process for improvement ideas of staff, students, parents, and others, and (e) implementing procedures to ensure that the differing needs and talents of students are fully considered when planning educational programs.

Regulatory References: NH Code of Administrative Rules Sections Ed. 302; 303; 304; 306.10(a)(6)

Adopted: December 2, 1999
Revised: March 8, 2007

Treatment Of Outside Reports


The School Board should receive the annual audit and any other report that requires board action as well as those reports that the Superintendent feels appropriate.

Adopted: December 2, 1999
Revised: November 1, 2018

Administration In Policy Absence


In the absence of established School Board policy or School Board direction, the Superintendent of Schools shall assume responsibility for whatever decision or action is taken. In such instances, the Principal or other administrative or instructional personnel shall gain the approval of the Superintendent before taking action.

In the situations which arise with the schools where the Board has provided no guides for administrative action, the Superintendent shall have power to act but his/her decisions shall be subject to review and ratification by action of the Board at its regular meeting. It shall be the duty of the Superintendent to inform the Board promptly of such action and of the need for policy.

Adopted: December 2, 1999
Reviewed: November 1, 2018

Approval Of Handbooks And Directives


In order that pertinent board policies, regulations, and school rules and procedures may be known by all staff members and students affected by them, district administrators and the Principal are granted authority to issue staff and student handbooks.

It is essential that the contents of all handbooks conform with district-wide policies and regulations. School Administration will advise the school board if any changes in school-wide student and employee handbooks are made prior to publication.

Adopted: May 9, 2002

Board Review Of Regulations


Procedures and regulations developed by the Superintendent of Schools shall be consistent with board policy.
The board may review any procedures and regulations as it deems necessary.

Adopted: December 2, 1999
Revised: November 1, 2018