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Policy Categories Archives: Section E: Support Services

Section E contains policies, regulations, and exhibits on non-instructional services and programs, particularly those on business management such as safety, building and grounds management, office services, transportation, and food services.

Chemical Safety and Chemical Hygiene Plan


A. Purpose. The Board’s objective is to help ensure a healthy, clean, and safe learning and work environment for students, employees, and others present on school property. The policy accomplishes this in two ways. First, it establishes standards regarding the use and handling of toxic chemicals for cleaning and pest control. Second, it directs the creation of a chemical hygiene  and safety plan (the “Plan”) for managing hazardous substances on District property and responding to any emergencies resulting from hazardous substances. This Plan shall include all points  where hazardous substances might be used and or stored on District property, including, but not limited to, materials used in connection with: chemistry and other science labs, art rooms, shop  classes, food services, facilities and groundskeeping, or custodial services.

“Hazardous substances” as used in this Policy shall mean and include any material specifically designated as hazardous by state or federal law, or any other substance or mixture of substances which may be explosive, ignitable, corrosive, reactive, or toxic.

B. Plan Preparation and Contents. The Board directs the Superintendent of Schools to prepare a Chemical Hygiene Plan that complies with all local, state, and federal laws and regulations  which pertain to the proper management of hazardous materials. When necessary, the District shall contact the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and/or the New Hampshire  Department of Environmental Services (NHDES) to obtain relevant information regarding hazardous substances.

Additionally, the Plan shall address at least the following:

1. Identification and inventory of hazardous materials – describing a process by which hazardous substances will be identified and inventoried, and may include a classification system for grouping  hazardous materials for purposes of acquisition, storage, use, disposal, recordkeeping, and emergency response.

2. General provisions outlining response Hazardous Substance Emergencies, with such items as responsible personnel, required resources, decision making ladders, message-specific templates, parental notification, media plans, etc.; these provisions shall be incorporated into the District Crisis Prevention and Response Plan.

3. Special provisions for specific substances, e.g., and as pertinent:
a. Criteria for acquisition
b. Storage
c. Use
d. Disposal
e. Incident prevention
f. Special provisions relative to accidental release or other emergency;

4. Provisions to minimize the use of toxic chemicals for cleaning or pest control, including the prohibition of staff bringing cleaning products or pesticides onto District property without prior
approval from the administration;

5. Procedures required for staff to obtain approval from school administration in order to bring cleaning products or pesticides onto District property;

6. Protocols and procedures relative to implementation of the Plan, including staff responsibilities by individual position and/or generalized;

7. Provisions relative to staff training, including such items as individualized and general training, who is responsible for ensuring training is conducted and updated, frequency, how and by whom  training syllabi are established; Additionally, employees receiving such training will be encouraged to make less dangerous substitutions for hazardous substances to the extent possible and to  minimize the generation of such substances;

8. Provisions proposing consequences and/or remedies for employees who fail to adhere to the Plan or established procedures;

9. Provisions relating to student training and proposed sanctions/remedies/interventions to be included in student handbook;

10. Protocols for reporting general (non-emergency concerns regarding hazardous substances) on District property.

See NH Ed 320, specifically Ed 320.02(b)(8), for additional guidance on chemical hygiene Plan content.

C. Prohibition of Introduction of Cleaning Products or Pesticides by School Staff. No employee or designated volunteer may bring any cleaning products or pesticides onto District  property without prior approval of the school administration, or as specifically provided in the Plan.

D. Biennial Review and Update. The Superintendent and/or designee shall ensure that the Plan and all procedures and protocols adopted pursuant to this policy are reviewed no less than  every two (2) years and updated as necessary. The Copies of the updated Plan and procedures should be provided to the Board no later than the start of each school year. Recommendations  requiring Board policy changes should be brought to the Board’s Policy Committee as soon as reasonably practicable.

Legal Reference:
N.H. Code Admin. Rules Ed 320, School Facility Approval Process

Adopted: December 4, 2024

Safe Schools


The Board recognizes that effective learning and teaching takes place in a safe, secure and welcoming environment and that safe schools contribute to improved attendance, increased student achievement and community support. To that end, the Board directs the superintendent, following consultation with the district parents, teachers, administrators, students, public safety officials, and when appropriate, members of the community, to develop a safe schools plan that includes:
1. Procedures that address the supervision and security of school buildings and grounds.
2. Procedures that address the safety and supervision of students during school hours and school-sponsored activities.
3. Procedures that address persons visiting school buildings and attending school-sponsored activities.
4. Training programs for staff and students in crisis prevention and management.
5. Training programs for staff and students in emergency response procedures that include practice drills.
6. Training programs for staff and students in how to recognize and respond to behavior or other information that may indicate impending violence or other safety problems.
7. Training and support for students that aim to relieve the fear, embarrassment and peer pressure associated with reporting behavior that may indicate impending violence or other safety problems.
8. Procedures for safe, confidential reporting of security and safety concerns at the school building.
9. Procedures for regular assessments by school security/safety professionals and law enforcement officers to evaluate the security needs of the school building and to provide recommendations for improvements if necessary.
10. Procedures for regular assessments by school climate professionals to determine whether students feel safe and to provide recommendations for improvements in school climate at each district building.
11. Procedures to provide for regular communications between district officials, law enforcement officers, fire department officials, city and county officials and local medical personnel to discuss crisis prevention and management strategies, including involvement by these parties in the development and revision of crisis prevention and management plans.
12. Training programs for staff and students in safety precautions and procedures related to fire prevention, natural disaster response, accident prevention, public health, traffic, bicycle and pedestrian safety, environmental hazards, civil defense, classroom and occupational safety, and special hazards associated with athletics and other extracurricular activities.
13. Procedures for the reporting of criminal activity to law enforcement. The building principal shall be responsible for the supervision and implementation of the safe school program at his or her school. The principal shall submit annually, in the manner and by the date specified by the State Board of Education, a written report to the Board of Education concerning the learning environment in the school during that school year. The report shall contain, at a minimum, the information required by law.

It shall be the responsibility of the superintendent or designee to compile the annual safety reports from the principal and submit the compilation to the Department of Education. The report shall be made available to the public upon request.


Legal References:
RSA 193-D, RSA 193-F,
NH Admin Rule. Sec. Ed. 306.04(a)(2)

Adopted: October 7, 1999
Revised: February 5, 2009
Code EBB added 9/1/22

Local Records Retention Schedule


The following schedule shall apply to all records obtained, created or maintained by the District, irrespective of the specific medium of the record, i.e., paper, electronic, digital, cloud, etc..

A. Special Education Records.
1. Upon a student’s graduation from high school, his or her parent(s)/guardian(s) may request in writing that the District destroy the student’s special education records, including any final individualized education program.
2. The parent(s)/guardian(s) may, at any time prior to the student’s twenty-sixth birthday, request, in writing, that the records be retained until the student’s thirtieth birthday.
3. Absent any request by a student’s parents to destroy the records prior to the twenty-sixth birthday, or to retain such records until the student’s thirtieth birthday, the District shall destroy a student’s records and final individualized education program within a reasonable time after the student’s twenty-sixth birthday, provided that all such records be destroyed by the student’s thirtieth birthday
4. A permanent record of a student’s name, address, and phone number, his or her grades, attendance record, classes attended, grade level completed, and year completed may be maintained without time limitation. 34 CFR 300.624.
5. The District shall provide parents/guardians, or where applicable, the adult student, with a written notice of the District’s document destruction policies upon the student’s graduation with a regular high school diploma or at the transfer of rights, whichever occurs first.
6. The District shall provide public notice of its document destruction policy at least annually.

B. Litigation Hold.
On receipt of notice from legal counsel representing the District that a litigation hold is required, the routine destruction of governmental records, including paper and electronic records, which are or may be subject to the litigation hold shall cease. The destruction of records subject to a litigation hold shall not resume until the district has received a written directive from the attorney representing the district authorizing resumption of the routine destruction of those records.

C. Right-to-Know Request – Hold.
On receipt of a Right-to-Know law request to inspect or copy governmental records, the Superintendent shall cease any destruction of governmental records which are or may be the subject of the request. The records shall be retained regardless of whether they are subject to disclosure under RSA Chapter 91-A, the Right-to-Know law. If a request for inspection is denied on the grounds that the information is exempt, the requested material shall be preserved for no less than 90 days and until any lawsuit pursuant to RSA 91-A:7-8 has been finally resolved, all appeal periods have expired, and a written directive from the attorney representing the District authorizing destruction of the records has been received.

All agreements to settle law suits to be preserved for a minimum of 10 years in accordance with RSA 91-A:4, IV.

D. Electronic Records.
For legal purposes, electronic records and communications are no different than paper documents.
The state law on preservation of electronic records, RSA 33-A:5-a Electronic Records, does not explicitly apply to school districts, but does provide guidance: “Electronic records as defined in RSA 5:29, VI and designated on the disposition schedule under RSA 33-A:3-a to be retained for more than 10 years shall be transferred to paper or microfilm, or stored in portable document format/archival (PDF/A) on a medium from which it is readily retrievable. Electronic records designated on the disposition schedule to be retained for less than 10 years may be retained solely electronically if so approved by [Superintendent as the party] responsible for the records. The [Superintendent] is responsible for assuring the accessibility of the records for the mandated period.” [Italics represent modified language to reflect Superintendent’s responsibility for record retention and access.]

E. Retention Period Schedule.
The following schedule shall apply to all records obtained, created or maintained by the District, irrespective of the specific medium of the record, i.e., paper, electronic, digital, cloud, etc.. [The superintendent should include language to this administrative procedure identifying one or more persons responsible for either assuring retention/destruction in accordance with the schedule, as well as any specific means of retention/destruction]

Note regarding records relating to federal funds (items marked below with “*”): Before any records related to federal funds are destroyed, however, the requirements of the General Education Provisions Act (GEPA) 20 U.S.C. 1232f shall be observed. Namely, that statute requires that district “shall keep records which fully disclose the amount and disposition by the recipient of [federal] funds, the total cost of the activity for which the funds are used, the share of that cost provided from other sources, and such other records as will facilitate an effective financial or programmatic audit . . . . for three years after the completion of the activity for which the funds are used.” Therefore, to the extent that the below schedule, or other authorities, suggest that a purchase order, with accompanying documentation, may need to be retained only until the records are audited, plus 1 year, if the purchase is in part or in whole with federal funds the record must be retained for three years after the completion of the activity for which the funds are used, a much longer period of time.


Public Access To School District Reords

CSD File: EH

The Superintendent is hereby designated the custodian of all “District records”, which term shall
have the same meaning as “governmental records” as that terms is defined in the state’s Right to
Know law, RSA 91-A:1-a. Without limiting that meaning, District records shall include board or
board committee minutes, documents, writings, letters, memoranda, e-mails, images, or other
information of any kind kept or maintained by the District in any physical form (written, visual,
electronic, digital, etc.).

The Superintendent shall develop written procedures concerning all requests by the public to
inspect or obtain copies of school district records (i.e., “governmental records”). The procedures
shall conform in all respects to the Right to Know Law. The written procedures should contain
provisions clearly indicating personnel responsible for processing any request for District records,
as well as the cost for providing requested copies. No fee or expense shall be charged other
than as allowed under RSA 91-A:4.

The Superintendent shall review such procedures annually and make such changes as are
required as a result of legislative changes to the Right to Know or other applicable law or
regulations, or as s/he may deem appropriate. Any changes to the written procedures should be
provided to all appropriate personnel and to the School Board.
Minutes of school board meetings, and materials used to prepare the same, shall also be made
available in accordance with Board policy BEDG.

The Superintendent is authorized to contact the District’s attorney for any matter related to
requests for public records and/or the development of the written procedures required under this

Adopted: April 1, 2021

School Bus Scheduling and Routing


It is the policy of the Candia School Board to transport elementary school children along approved bus routes from their home and back along a similar route.

The pick up or discharge of students at stops other than their legal home may be permitted upon written request by the parent(s)/guardian(s) of the child. In order to effectively design the bus routes, this long-term arrangement request should be in the hands of the transportation supervisor by August of each year. Granting of this request will be based on the following criteria:
a. Safety of the child
b. Age of child
c. Space on bus
d. Length of time of the arrangement
e. Number of students at the bus stop
f. Convenience to the School District

The Candia School Board authorizes the administration to make minor adjustments in the bus routes, which are consistent with the following guidelines:
1. Changes in bus route stops may be instituted by the administration.
2. Bus stops are to be at locations that minimize the danger to students, buses, and the public.
3. The walking distance limit along a bus route shall be no more than 0.6 miles.
4. The walking distance to a bus stop from off the bus route may be up to 1.5 miles.
5. Buses that travel on Class VI, town non-maintained roads are subject to school board approval.
6. The maximum length of time for a student to ride a regular education bus to and from school shall be one hour and fifteen minutes per run.
7. Elementary bus students will not be allowed to cross Routes 101, 43, or 27.
8. Students may be required to transfer buses in order to improve the efficiency of the total transportation system.
9. The time scheduling of bus routes will be for maximum efficiency for the Candia School District.
10. Students may be allowed to change from one bus to another for after-school activities under the following conditions:
a. A request is made in writing, one day in advance from the student’s parent/guardian to the Principal and/or designee.
b. The seating capacity of the bus is not exceeded.
c. The request will cause no undue problems.
d. Priorities for handling requests will be determined by the Principal and/or designee.
11. Students living on a main road are only allowed to board the bus from the side on which they live.

Adopted: April 3, 2003
Revised: November 5, 2015
Revised: November 7, 2019

Data Governance And Security


To accomplish the District’s mission and comply with the law, the District must collect, create and store information. Accurately maintaining and protecting this data is important for efficient District operations, compliance with laws mandating confidentiality, and maintaining the trust of the District’s stakeholders. All persons who have access to District data are required to follow state and federal law, District policies and procedures, and other rules created to protect the information.

The provisions of this policy shall supersede and take precedence over any contrary provisions of any other policy adopted prior to the date of this policy.

A. Definitions
Confidential Data/Information – Information that the District is prohibited by law, policy or contract from disclosing or that the District may disclose only in limited circumstances. Confidential data includes, but is not limited to, personally identifiable information regarding students and employees.

Critical Data/Information – Information that is determined to be essential to District operations and that must be accurately and securely maintained to avoid disruption to District operations. Critical data is not necessarily confidential.

B. Data and Privacy Governance Plan – Administrative Procedures.
1. Data Governance Plan. The Superintendent, in consultation with the District Information Security Officer (“ISO”) (see paragraph C, below) shall create a Data and Privacy Governance Plan (“Data Governance Plan”), to be presented to the Board no later than June 30, 2019. Thereafter, the Superintendent, in consultation with the ISO, shall update the Data Governance Plan for presentation to the Board no later than June 30 each year.

The Data Governance Plan shall include:
(a) An inventory of all software applications, digital tools, and extensions. The inventory shall include users of the applications, the provider, purpose, publisher, privacy statement, and terms of use;
(b) A review of all software applications, digital tools, and extensions and an assurance that they meet or exceed minimum standards set by the New Hampshire Department of Education;
(c) Policies and procedures for access to data and protection of privacy for students and staff including acceptable use policy for applications, digital tools, and extensions used on District hardware, server(s) or through the District network(s);
(d) A response plan for any breach of information; and
(e) A requirement for a service provider to meet or exceed standards for data protection and privacy.

2. Policies and Administrative Procedures. The Superintendent, in consultation with the ISO, is directed to review, modify and recommend (policies) create (administrative procedures), where necessary, relative to collecting, securing, and correctly disposing of District data (including, but not limited to Confidential and Critical Data/Information, and as otherwise necessary to implement this policy and the Data Governance Plan. Such policies and/or procedures will may or may not be included in the annual Data Governance Plan.

C. Information Security Officer.
The Technology Director is hereby designated as the District’s Information Security Officer (ISO) and reports
directly to the Superintendent or designee. The ISO is responsible for implementing and enforcing the
District’s security policies and administrative procedures applicable to digital and other electronic data, and
suggesting changes to these policies, the Data Governance Plan, and procedures to better protect the
confidentiality and security of District data. The ISO will work with the both District and building level
administrators and Data managers (paragraph E, below) to advocate for resources, including training, to best
secure the District’s data.

The Business Administrator is the District’s alternate ISO and will assume the responsibilities of the ISO when
the ISO is not available.

D. Responsibility and Data Stewardship.
All District employees, volunteers and agents are responsible for accurately collecting, maintaining and
securing District data including, but not limited to, Confidential and/or Critical Data/Information.

E. Data Managers.
All District administrators are data managers for all data collected, maintained, used and disseminated under
their supervision as well as data they have been assigned to manage in the District’s data inventory. Data
managers will monitor employee access to the information to ensure that confidential information is accessed
only by employees who need the information to provide services to the District and that confidential and
critical information is modified only by authorized employees. Data managers will assist the ISO in enforcing
District policies and procedures regarding data management.

F. Confidential and Critical Information.
The District will collect, create or store confidential information only when the Superintendent or designee
determines it is necessary, and in accordance with applicable law. The District will provide access to
confidential information to appropriately trained District employees and volunteers only when the District
determines that such access is necessary for the performance of their duties. The District will disclose
confidential information only to authorized District contractors or agents who need access to the information
to provide services to the District and who agree not to disclose the information to any other party except as
allowed by law and authorized by the District.

District employees, contractors and agents will notify the ISO or designee immediately if there is reason to
believe confidential information has been disclosed to an unauthorized person or any information has been
compromised, whether intentionally or otherwise. The ISO or designee will investigate immediately and take
any action necessary to secure the information, issue all required legal notices and prevent future incidents.
When necessary, the Superintendent, ISO or designee is authorized to secure resources to assist the District
in promptly and appropriately addressing a security breach.

Likewise, the District will take steps to ensure that critical information is secure and is not inappropriately
altered, deleted, destroyed or rendered inaccessible. Access to critical information will only be provided to
authorized individuals in a manner that keeps the information secure.

All District staff, volunteers, contractors and agents who are granted access to critical or confidential
information/data are required to keep the information secure and are prohibited from disclosing or assisting
in the unauthorized disclosure of such confidential or critical data/information. All individuals using
confidential and critical data/information will strictly observe all administrative procedures, policies and other
protections put into place by the District including, but not limited to, maintaining information in locked rooms
or drawers, limiting access to electronic files, updating and maintaining the confidentiality of password
protections, encrypting and redacting information, and disposing of information no longer needed in a
confidential and secure manner.

G. Using Online Services and Applications.
District staff members are encouraged to research and utilize online services or applications to engage
students and further the District’s education mission. District employees, however, are prohibited from
installing or using applications, programs or other software, or online system/website, that either stores,
collects or shares confidential or critical data/information, until the ISO approves the vendor and the software
or service used. Before approving the use or purchase of any such software or online service, the ISO or
designee shall verify that it meets the requirements of the law, Board policy, and the Data Governance Plan,
and that it appropriately protects confidential and critical data/information. This prior approval is also required
whether or not the software or online service is obtained or used without charge.

H. Training.
The ISO will provide appropriate training to employees who have access to confidential or critical information
to prevent unauthorized disclosures or breaches in security. All school employees will receive annual training
in the confidentiality of student records, and the requirements of this policy and related procedures and rules.

I. Data Retention and Deletion.
The ISO or designee shall establish a retention schedule for the regular archiving and deletion of data stored
on District technology resources. The retention schedule should comply with, and be incorporated, by
reference, into the data/record retention schedule established under Policy EHB, including but not limited to,
provisions relating to Litigation and Right to Know holds as described in Policy EHB.

J. Consequences
Employees who fail to follow the law or District policies or procedures regarding data governance and security
(including failing to report) may be disciplined, up to and including termination. Volunteers may be excluded
from providing services to the District. The District will end business relationships with any contractor who
fails to follow the law, District policies or procedures, or the confidentiality provisions of any contract. In
addition, the District reserves the right to seek all other legal remedies, including criminal and civil action and
seeking discipline of an employee’s teaching certificate.

The District may suspend all access to data or use of District technology resources pending an investigation.
Violations may result in temporary, long-term or permanent suspension of user privileges. The District will
cooperate with law enforcement in investigating any unlawful actions. The Superintendent or designee has
the authority to sign any criminal complaint on behalf of the District.

Any attempted violation of District policies, procedures or other rules will result in the same consequences,
regardless of the success of the attempt.

Legal References:
15 U.S.C. §§ 6501-6506 * Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA)
20 U.S.C. § 1232g * Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)
20 U.S.C. § 1232h * Protection of Pupil Rights Amendment (PPRA)
20 U.S.C. § 1400-1417 * Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)
20 U.S.C. § 7926 * Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESSA)
RSA 189:65 * Definitions
RSA 186:66 * Student Information Protection and Privacy
RSA 189:67 * Limits on Disclosure of Information
RSA 189:68 * Student Privacy
RSA 189:68-a * Student Online Personal Information
RSA 359-C:19-21 * Right to Privacy/Notice of Security Breach

Adopted: June 6, 2019

Food Service Management

CSD File: EF
See also JLCF

All food service personnel will be directly responsible to the Food Service Director and ultimately responsible to the building principal, Superintendent, or designee.

The Food Service Director is responsible for the planning and preparation of food served in the food service program, ensuring full compliance with the State of New Hampshire’s education rules and regulations. All food will comply with the nutrition standards as set forth by the school wellness program.

The Food Service Director will order supplies, keep accurate records of financial transactions connected with the food service program, and prepare all records and reports as required.

The Food Service Director will be certified by a NH Department of Education approved program.

All food service employees shall, within their first year of employment, obtain a certificate of completion for an approved sanitation course.

The Food Service Director will make recommendations to the building principal, the Superintendent, or designee concerning personnel and operational matters related to the food service program.

The District will seek to ensure that all students have access to school-provided meals. The Superintendent or designee will develop meal-payment procedures for school-provided meals. No student will be subject to different treatment from the standard school lunch meal or school cafeteria procedures, regardless of ability to pay for such meal.

Legal References:
RSA 189:11-a; NH Code of Admin. Rules Section Ed. 306.11, Section 204 of Public Law 108-265

Adopted: January 5, 2017

Video And Audio Recording For Instructional Purposes


Candia School Board is committed to the use of technology to enhance the education of its
students. The Board acknowledges that video, digital video and audio recording (“recording”)
in the classroom may be useful for instructional purposes. In addition, there are times when
live streaming, or internet access to digital video and audio recording are appropriate. For
example, these technologies may be useful tools to provide access to students in remote
locations, home-bound or hospital-bound students, or to permit a student to recover classroom
instruction lost during an extended absence.

The decision whether or not to conduct video, digital video or audio recording for educational
purposes shall be made in the first instance by the classroom teacher and their request and
consent to recording shall be documented in writing and placed on file with the Principal. All
such recordings shall be deemed the copy written property of Candia School District and shall
not be reproduced without Candia School District’s express permission. Recordings shall not be
sold. Recording in the classroom for other than educational purposes is prohibited. Recordings
made for instructional use are intended to provide information for pedagogical and scholarly
study, and do not constitute educational records under the Family Educational Rights and
Privacy Act (FERPA). Only the student(s) or instructor, on whose behalf a request for recording
is made, will be granted access to that recording. The Principal may authorize others to view
an existing recording on a case-by-case and as-needed basis.

Student recording as an accommodation in their Individualized Education Plan or Section 504
Plan shall not be deemed a school recording unless the recording is conducted by the school on
behalf of the student. All recordings made as an accommodation, or for instructional recovery
or academic study shall be erased at the end of the semester or when they are no longer
needed, whichever is the later event. If the classroom teacher wishes to preserve a recording
for future instructional purposes, they shall seek permission from the Principal to preserve the

No recording shall take place in a classroom without first securing the written consent of each
adult student, or minor student’s parent or guardian. An adult student or parent who refuses
consent for a class where recording is the curriculum, such as a television or broadcast
journalism course, shall not be permitted to enroll in the course. This policy shall be
reproduced in the next student handbook, and the parent or adult student’s written receipt of
the handbook shall be deemed written consent to Candia School District’s use of video and
audio classroom recording for instructional purpose unless the adult student or parent opts out
of granting permission. Until such policy is reproduced in the handbook, this policy and a
permission form shall be disseminated by the classroom educator when recording in their
classroom is contemplated. The educator shall be responsible for garnering the adult student
or parent’s written consent and placing the same on file with the Building Principal before
recording may take place in the classroom. Candia School District reserves the right to reassign
students to classes in accordance with their recording preferences.

This policy does not apply to the recording by Candia School District of events such as public
concerts, graduation ceremonies, athletic events, and the like; all of which are not considered
classroom recording. This policy has been adopted after a public hearing conducted by the
Candia School Board.

See also policy EEAA

1st. Reading: November 05, 2015
Public Hearing: November 05, 2015
Adopted: November 05, 2015

Legal References:
RSA 189:68(IV)
20 U.S.C. § 1232g (FERPA)
34 CFR Part 99 (FERPA)

Access To Minutes And Public Records

CSD File: EH-R

1. These procedures will apply to all requests to inspect or obtain copies of school district records, including minutes of School Board meetings, received by the administrative offices of the school district.

2. Individuals making Right-to-Know requests are encouraged to discuss their requests with the school administration to insure the request is stated in a manner that will focus on the records desired and avoid being unnecessarily over broad. Carefully tailored requests often can be fulfilled more promptly and help avoid resources being expended to retrieve and prepare material which exceeds what is actually being sought. The Board encourages members of the public to make their requests in writing and to include a specific description of the desired record(s). Requests for records will not be denied if such request is not in writing. If the person making the request refuses to put the request in writing, the staff member receiving the request shall put the request in writing and shall provide the person with a copy.

3. All requests for public records must be made through the SAU/Superintendent’s office.
If a board member receives a Right-to-Know request, the board member will forward the request to the Superintendent as soon as possible.
If a Principal or other school administrator receives a Right-to-Know request, he or she will forward the request to the Superintendent as soon as possible.

4. Public documents requested under the Right-to-Know law will be made available immediately if such records are properly disclosed and immediately available for inspection or copying. If such records are not immediately available, if a determination needs to be made if such records exist, or if a determination needs to be made whether such records are exempt from public disclosure, the Superintendent will, within five (5) business days of the request, respond to the requestor, in writing, acknowledging receipt of the request and providing a statement of the time reasonably necessary to determine whether the request shall be granted or denied. The Superintendent or designee may contact the person making the request if the request is unclear or will be time consuming or onerous to fulfill to determine if the person will clarify the request or agree to narrow the request. Any clarification or narrowing of the request shall be documented in writing and a copy provided to the person making the request.

5. The School District will charge a fee of .50 per page for copying/photocopies of records when the person requests a paper copy. No fee will be charged for the inspection of records.

6. Records will be reviewed in their entirety by either the Superintendent or his/her designee before they are released in order to ensure that no confidential or exempted information is disclosed. District legal counsel may be consulted as necessary.

7. Records exempted from disclosure by RSA 91-A:5 or other law will not be disclosed. If a member of the public requests records that are determined to be exempt from disclosure under RSA 91-A:5 or other law, the Superintendent will respond to the requestor, in writing, indicating that such records are exempt from disclosure.

8. Electronic records may be provided via e-mail or on a portable storage device (thumb drive), if the requestor so requests and if such records can practically be delivered electronically. To protect the integrity of the District’s computer system, a thumb drive for this purpose must be provided by the
requestor in unopened manufacturer’s packaging. The district is not required to compile records into a specific format at the request of the requester. Records will be provided only in the existing format maintained by the district.

9. The Superintendent is authorized to contact the school district’s attorney for any matter related to requests for public records.

10. Documents can be examined at the regular business premises or picked up by arrangement at that location.

11. All District records shall be retained, deleted or destroyed in accordance with board policy.

Adopted: May 7, 2009
Revised: January 5, 2017
Revised: December 6, 2017
Revised: December 6, 2018
Revised: June 4, 2020

Buildings And Grounds Security


The Board encourages and requires close cooperation with local police and fire departments and with insurance company inspectors. In order to insure the safest environment for our students and staff, the school building’s security system is to be armed during all non-user time.

During school time, security procedures will insure that unauthorized persons will not have access to the building. All visitors and individuals not employed by the school district will be required to, state their name and the purpose of the visit, sign in and out and to be identified as visitors during their time in the building.

The Principal will be responsible for developing and enforcing building security procedures.

Adopted: May 9, 2002
Revised: June 5, 2008

Reference: CSD: KF