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Policy Categories Archives: Section K: School/Community-Home Relations

Section K contains policies, regulations, and exhibits on parent and community involvement in schools. Policies concerning statements on public sector relations with the school district are located in this section as well.

Public Gifts/Donations


Gifts from organizations, community groups and/or outside individuals, which will benefit the District,
shall be encouraged. A gift shall be defined as money, real or personal property, and personal
services provided without consideration.

Individuals or groups contemplating presenting a gift to a school or the District shall be encouraged
to discuss in advance with the Building Principal or the Superintendent what gifts are appropriate
and needed.

The Board reserves the right to refuse any gift that does not contribute to the achievement of the
District’s goals, or in which the ownership of the gift would tend to deplete the resources of the
District. In determining whether a gift will be accepted, consideration shall be given to District
Policies, School District goals and objectives (with particular emphasis on the goal of providing
equal educational opportunities to all students) and adherence to basic principles outlined in the
regulation that accompanies this policy.

The Superintendent may accept gifts in the amount of $500 or less. Gifts in excess of $500 may only be
accepted by the Board. Additionally, pursuant to RSA 198:20-b, III, gifts in the amount of $5000 or more
shall require the Board to hold a public hearing regarding any action to be taken with the gift. For gifts
of less than $5000, the Board will post notice of the gift in the agenda of the next regularly scheduled
Board meeting and will include notice in the minutes of the meeting in which the gift is discussed. The
acceptance of all gifts will be made in public session.

Any gift accepted shall become the property of the district, may not be returned without the approval
of the Board, and is subject to the same controls and regulations as are other properties of the
District. The Board shall be responsible for the maintenance of any gift it accepts.

At the time of acceptance of the gift, there will be a definite understanding with regard to the use
of the gift, including whether it is intended for the use of one particular school or all schools in
the District. The Board will make every effort to honor the intent of the donor in its use of the gift,
but reserves the right to utilize any gift it accepts in the best interest of the educational program
of the District. In no case shall acceptance of a gift be considered to be an endorsement by the Board
of a commercial product, business enterprise or institution of learning.

It is the responsibility of the Superintendent or designee to process the appropriate forms to update the
District’s inventory and to notify the donor of acceptance or rejection of a gift.

Voluntary contributions by District employees of supplies or other minor items of personal property to be
used in classrooms or school programs with an aggregate value over the school year of less than $250
are permitted without further approval or documentation. Receipt of voluntary contributions being made
by District employees with a value of $250 or more must be approved as required in this policy for
gifts from individuals not employed by the District.

Active solicitation of gifts to be received by the District, including by any school, classroom, or program
in the District, including soliciting gifts through online crowd funding web sites must be approved in
advance by the Superintendent where the value of the gift sought is less than $500 and by the Board
where the value of the gift sought is $500 or greater.

Neither the Candia School Board, the Superintendent, nor any employee of the Candia School District
shall allow the contribution of a gift or donation to influence in any way the decision making process
with regard to the affairs of the district.

Adopted: March 7, 2024

Community Use Of School Facilities – Regulations

CSD File: KF-R

Rationale: The use of school facilities by the citizens of Candia is endorsed by the school board. Accompanying that endorsement however, is the need to provide reasonable assurance that the facilities will remain in good condition and be absent of security problems.
1. The use of school facilities can only be obtained by submission of a completed application to the Principal and/or designee. A key may be issued, at the discretion of the Principal, to town organizations requesting use of the gymnasium for an extended period of time such as a sports season. No other keys will be issued for the Candia Moore School. A security deposit of $75.00 will be required for the issuance of a key.
2. Applications for use during non-school hours shall be submitted ten days in advance of the utilization date with advance payment, if required, in the form of a check or money order attached, payable to the Treasurer – Candia School District.

The school shall require a security deposit for any occasion upon the recommendation of the Principal.
3. The school building shall be closed for certain periods of time during the year for maintenance and upkeep. During those times building use may be limited. The Principal or his/her designee is charged with coordinating maintenance needs with facility use.
4. Non-Profit Organizations – The organization or party requesting the facilities must accept full financial and legal responsibility for any and all damages and/or claims of damages resulting from the use of the facilities. It is required that those non-profit organizations that do not have insurance coverage purchase a short-term liability and property damage insurance policy to cover the scheduled event and the activities surrounding the event i.e., set up and clean up.

For-Profit Organizations and Private Groups – A copy of the organization’s liability of insurance coverage must be provided at the time of submitting the Application for Use of School Facilities. The certificate of insurance shall name the Candia School District as an additional insured.

Any organization or private group will be held liable for any damages or injury caused by their use of facilities.
5. Adult supervision is required for all groups at all times (parking lots, fields, etc.).
6. Smoking will not be allowed on the school grounds (parking lots, fields, etc.), in accordance with RSA 78:12-b, RSA 126-K:7, RSA 155:68, 155:70, and 155:76.
7. Alcoholic beverages are not to be brought onto or consumed on school premises, in accordance with RSA 193-B.
8. Organizations may use school facilities for private, for profit, and non-profit activities. For organizations based out of town, the following fee schedule will be utilized by the Principal or his/her designee. This fee schedule will be in effect and charged during hours when services are required:
Security deposit $150.00
Rental Fee (per day) $50.00/day
Custodian $25.00/hour
Kitchen personnel** $20.00/hour per worker
**If the kitchen equipment is to be used, kitchen personnel will be needed to supervise.

9. The premises must be cleaned immediately following the event by the using organization unless prior arrangements have been made with the Principal. Should the using organization leave the premises in a manner unacceptable to the Principal, the using organization shall be charged for any additional cleaning that has to be done and should they not pay the bill, said organization shall not be allowed to use the facilities until payment is made.
10. For on-going games and activities, one Application for Use of School Facilities may be completed by the using organization with a schedule of dates of use attached (up to three months) rather than a new application for each use. Even though on-going applications may be approved, parties granted such use must be aware of the school’s need to accommodate other uses as determined by the Principal.
11. Should an organization, after notification by the Principal, fail to comply with any of the regulations herein or be delinquent in the payment of any application fees, the Superintendent or his/her designee shall notify the organization in writing, with a copy to each school board member. Failure to meet this requirement shall result in denial of future use of school facilities (buildings and grounds).
12. In addition, for the use of school grounds, the following regulations will also apply:
a. Ball games and similar activities must be confined to the athletic fields – not on lawns or parking lots.
b. Vehicles are not to be driven or parked on fields.
c. If spectator-type activities are involved, the user group is responsible for the cost of any required police coverage.
d. Grounds must be left in good condition and free of litter.
e. Proof of insurance, naming Candia School District as an additional insured, will be required when requesting items such as concessions or portable toilets.

13. Community groups are welcome to utilize the school’s placard to communicate events to the public under the following conditions:
a. Approval is granted by the Principal or his/her designee.
b. School events are given priority.
c. Messages to the public are appropriate, informational in nature, and not intended to influence an individual’s decision concerning civic issues.

A staff member must be in the building when it is in use.

Legal Reference:
RSA 126-K:7, Use of Tobacco Products on Public Educational Facility Grounds Prohibited

Revised: July 14, 1987
Revised: January 28, 1988
Revised: July 31, 1990
Revised: September 7, 1995
Revised: March 7, 1996
Adopted: May 4, 2000
Adopted: May 9, 2002
Adopted: June 2, 2005
Revised: May 2, 2019

Visitors To The Schools

CSD File: KI

All persons, other than staff and pupils enrolled in the school, who may come to the school for any reason during the school day are considered visitors and must report and sign in at the school office. Employees of the school system (directors, coordinators, maintenance staff members, and others) are to advise the Principal or Secretary that they are in the building. A visitor (a person not employed by the school system) must report to the school office and receive permission to be on the school grounds.

Persons wishing to meet with a teacher for the purpose of discussing a particular problem shall do so only at a time when it does not interrupt the normal school program. Persons wishing to make such arrangements may do so by securing an appointment with the teacher.

No person shall visit a school without first reporting to the office of the Principal as to the purpose and place of the visit.

Adopted: September 12, 2002

Advertising In The Schools


Neither the facilities, the name, the staff, nor the children of the school, school system, nor any
part thereof shall be employed in any manner for advertising or otherwise promoting the
interests of any commercial or other non-school agency or organization except that:
1. The school may cooperate in furthering the work of any non-profit, Candia
based social service agency, provided that such cooperation does not restrict or impair the
educational program of the schools.
2. The school may use films or other educational materials bearing only simple mention of the
producing or sponsoring firm.
3. The Superintendent or his/her designee may, at his/her discretion, announce or authorize
any lecture or other community activity of particular educational merit.
4. The school may, upon approval of the Superintendent or designee, cooperate with any
governmental agency in promoting activities in the general public interest which are
non-partisan and non-controversial and which promotes the education or other best interests
of the pupils.

Promotional literature will not be distributed through the school except for recognized educational
and youth-oriented organizations upon approval of the Superintendent. Information about nonschool
activities will be made available periodically. All literature must clearly identify the
organization, provide contact information and must clearly state that the activity is not endorsed
by the Candia School District.

The school will not act as administrative agent for outside organizations.

Adopted: June 9, 1981
Revised: February 10, 1987
Adopted: November 7, 2002
Revised: June 5, 2008
Revised: September 3, 2015

Public Solicitations In The Schools

CSD File: KH

As a general policy, there will be no solicitation within the school for any purpose whatsoever.
No commercial enterprise other than fundraisers may be represented in the school and there will
be no sale of goods or services to students on the premises.

Any request for the exception to this rule must be submitted in writing to the Superintendent
and/or Principal at least 30 days prior to the implementation of the requested activity with copies
to the Candia School Board.

Adopted: October 3, 2002
Revised: June 5, 2008
Reviewed: October 1, 2015

Public Conduct On School Property


For purposes of this policy, “school property” means any buildings, vehicles, property, land, or facilities
used for school purposes or school-sponsored events, whether public or private.
The School District expects mutual respect, civility, and orderly conduct among all individuals on school
property or at a school event. No person on school property or at a school event shall:

1. Injure, threaten, harass, or intimidate a staff member, a School Board member, sports official
or coach, or any other person;
2. Damage or threaten to damage another’s property;
3. Damage or deface School District property;
4. Violate any New Hampshire law, or town or county ordinance;
5. Smoke or otherwise use tobacco products;
6. Consume, possess, distribute, or be under the influence of alcoholic beverages or illegal
drugs, or possess dangerous devices or weapons;
7. Impede, delay, disrupt, or otherwise interfere with any school activity or function (including
using cellular phones in a disruptive manner);
8. Enter upon any portion of school premises at any time for purposes other than those that are
lawful and authorized by the School Board;
9. Operate a motor vehicle in violation of an authorized District employee’s directive or posted
road signs.
10. Violate other District policies or regulations, or an authorized District employee’s directive.
11. Use, or attempt to use, or threaten to use any device, instrument, material, or substance
(prohibited object) with the purpose to injure, threaten, intimidate, or coerce another person;
for the purposes of this section, any reckless use of any prohibited object which places or may
place another in danger of serious bodily injury is also prohibited.
12. Operate (either upon or over school property) a drone or other unmanned aircraft.

Any person who violates this policy or any other acceptable standard of behavior may be ordered to leave
school grounds. Law enforcement officials may be contacted at the discretion of the supervising district
employee if such employee believes it necessary.
Additionally, the District reserves the right to issue “no trespass” letters to any person whose conduct
violates this policy, acceptable standards of conduct, or creates a disruption to the school district’s
educational purpose.

Legal References: RSA 193:11, RSA 635:2

Adopted: September 12, 2002
Revised: November 6, 2014, April 6, 2023


Community Use of School Facilities

CSD File: KF

The primary objective of the Candia School Board is to meet the needs of the students. Once this objective is met, the Candia School Board will grant the privilege of using the school facilities (buildings and grounds) to those individuals, organizations or groups who are residents of the Town of Candia. This does not alter the fact that it is the responsibility of the school board to establish regulations to protect the assets and investments of the Candia School District.

Certain events shall receive first consideration during the calendar year. These events shall include town meetings; school meetings, both scheduled and special; and annual municipal, state, and federal elections.

Facility use may be granted to organizations at the discretion of the building principal, on the following priority basis:
1. School-sponsored organizations: Those which are recognized by the school board as directly related to school activities (no fees to be assessed).
2. Government organizations: Agencies which are authorized under the laws of the United States, the State of New Hampshire, the County of Rockingham, or the Town of Candia (no fees assessed).
3. Non-profit organizations: Those that are social, service, fraternal, or religious in nature and serve the community on a non-profit basis. Youth civic organizations will have priority in this section, i.e., CYAA, Scouts, Lions, etc. (no fees assessed).
4. Private groups or organizations (refer to fee schedule in KF-R).
5. For-profit organizations or individuals that apply for extended use of school facilities will be charged a fee negotiated on a case by case basis. Sales of personal items (yard sales, flea markets, etc.) are not considered an appropriate use of the school facilities.

Applications for the use of facilities (land and buildings) must be approved by the Principal or his/her designee. Individuals and/or organizations requesting use of facilities may be required to hire security personnel prior to approval. Those organizations using the school building must name the Candia School District as an “additional insured” on the user’s insurance policy. A certificate of insurance must be provided at the time of submitting the Application for Use of School Facilities.

Alcohol, tobacco products, and vaporizers are not permitted at the Henry W. Moore school facilities or school grounds.
The use of the facility does not include school-owned equipment. Exceptions may be made at the discretion of the building Principal.

A staff member must be in the building when it is in use.

Legal Reference:
RSA 126-K:7, Use of Tobacco Products on Public Educational Facility Grounds Prohibited

Revised: July 14, 1987
Revised: July 31, 1990
Revised: November 18, 1992
Revised: September 7, 1995
Adopted: May 4, 2000
Adopted: May 9, 2002
Adopted: June 2, 2005
Revised: December 3, 2015
Revised: May 2, 2019





Facilities or Services – Grievance Procedure


The Superintendent of Schools, or designee, is designated as the Section 504, Americans with
Disabilities Act, Title VI, and Title IX Coordinator. A complaint regarding a violation of law shall
be subject to a grievance procedure that provides for the prompt and equitable resolution of
disputes from all students, employees, and staff of the District.

Upon request, the building principal or his/her designee will provide a copy of the District’s
grievance procedures. The person who believes he/she has a valid basis for a grievance shall
discuss the grievance informally and on a verbal basis with the building administrator, who shall
in turn investigate the complaint and respond to the complainant. If not satisfied with the
response, the complainant may initiate formal procedures according to the following steps:

Step 1 A written statement of the grievance signed by the complainant shall be
submitted to the building coordinator of the school in which the violation is
alleged to have occurred within five (5) school days of receipt of answer to the
informal complaint. The building coordinator shall communicate his/her
decision to the aggrieved party in writing within five (5) days of receipt of the
written grievance. If the building coordinator is the person charged with the
violation, the grievant may submit the complaint to the Section 504 Coordinator
for the Candia School District.

Step 2 The aggrieved party, no later than five (5) school days after receipt of the
building coordinator’s decision, may appeal the building coordinator’s decision
to the Candia School District’s Section 504 Coordinator. The appeal to the
Candia School District’s Section 504 Coordinator must be made in writing
reciting the matter submitted to the principal and the aggrieved party’s
dissatisfaction with decisions previously rendered. The Candia School District’s
Section 504 Coordinator shall meet with the aggrieved party to attempt to
resolve the matter as quickly as possible, but within a period not to exceed five
(5) school days. The Assistant Superintendent of Schools shall communicate
his/her decision in writing to the aggrieved party and the building coordinator
no later than five (5) school days after the meeting.

Step 3 If the grievance is not resolved to the aggrieved party’s satisfaction, the
aggrieved party, no later than five (5) school days after receipt of the Candia
School District’s Section 504 Coordinator decision, may submit a written
request for a hearing with the local School Board regarding the alleged
discrimination through the Superintendent of Schools. The hearing will be held
within thirty (30) calendar days of the written request. The School Board must
provide the aggrieved party with a written decision on the appeal within ten
(10) calendar days after the hearing.

Step 4 The decision of the School Board is final pending any further legal recourse as
may be described in current local district, state or federal statutes pertaining to
Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973.

A copy of the regulations on which this notice is based may be found in the Section 504
Coordinator’s office. During all steps of this complaint process, the aggrieved party and the
Candia School District may continue to negotiate a mutual solution to the alleged discrimination.
Upon such a mediated agreement, the procedure would be terminated.

Legal Reference:
Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, 34 CFR § 104.7(b)

Adopted: September 12, 2002
Revised: August 2, 2007, March 7, 2024

Reconsideration Of Instructional Materials

Statement of Policy:

Any resident or employee of the Candia School District may formally challenge learning resources used in
the district’s educational program on the basis of appropriateness. This procedure is for the purpose of
considering the opinions of those persons in the schools and the community who are not directly involved
in the selection process.

Request for Informal Reconsideration:
1. The school receiving a complaint regarding a learning resource shall try to resolve the issue
2. The principal or other appropriate staff shall explain to the questioner the school’s selection
procedure, criteria, and qualifications of those persons selecting the resource.
3. The principal or other appropriate staff shall explain the particular place the questioned resource
occupies in the education program, its intended educational usefulness, and additional information
regarding its use, or include someone who can identify and explain the use of the resource.
4. If the questioner wishes to file a formal challenge, a copy of the district Selection of Learning
Resources policy and a Request for Reconsideration of Learning Resources form shall be handed or
mailed to the party concerned by the principal.

Request for Formal Reconsideration:
Preliminary Procedures –
1. The principal who receives the complaint will keep on hand and make available Request for
Reconsideration of Learning Resources forms. All formal objections to learning resources must be
made on these forms.
2. The Request for Reconsideration of Learning Resources form shall be signed by the questioner and
filed with the principal or someone so designated by the principal.
3. The Superintendent (or designee) and the media director shall be informed of the formal complaint
4. The request for reconsideration shall be referred to a reconsideration committee at the school level
for reevaluation of the resource.
5. Requests for reconsideration of materials in district collections shall be referred to the content area
curriculum committee for reevaluation of the resource. This committee may involve additional
personnel as appropriate.

The Reconsideration Committee:
Upon receipt of a request for formal reconsideration of a learning resource, the principal shall:
1. Appoint a reconsideration committee including the following membership as appropriate:
a. One member of the administrative staff chosen by the superintendent (or designee);
b. One member of the school teaching staff chosen by the school staff;
c. One member of the content area curriculum committee chosen by superintendent (or designee);
d. One member of the parent community chosen by PTO/PTA
2. Name a convener of the reconsideration committee.
3. Arrange for a reconsideration committee meeting within 10 working days after the complaint is
4. The reconsideration committee may choose to consult district support staff and/or community
persons with related professional knowledge.
5. The reconsideration committee shall review the challenged resource and judge whether it conforms
to the principles of selection outlined in the district’s Selection of Learning Resources policy.

The reconsideration committee shall:
1. Examine the challenged resource;
2. Determine professional acceptance by reading critical reviews of the resource;
3. Weigh values and faults and form opinions based on the material as a whole rather than
on passages or sections taken out of context;
4. Discuss the challenged resource in the context of the educational program;
5. Discuss the challenged item with the individual questioner if it is deemed necessary;
6. Prepare a written report.
a. The written report shall be provided to the individual questioner if requested.
b. The written report shall be retained by the school principal, with copies forwarded to
the superintendent (or designee). A minority report also may be filed.
c. Written reports, once filed, are available for examination upon approval of the

The decision of the reconsideration committee is binding for the individual school. Notwithstanding any
procedure outlined in this policy, the questioner shall have the right to appeal any decision of the
reconsideration committee to the Candia School Board as the final review panel.

Guiding Principles:
1. Any resident or employee of the school district may raise objection to learning resources used in a
school’s educational program, despite the fact that the individuals selecting such resources were duly
qualified to make the selection, followed the proper procedure, and observed the criteria for selecting
learning resources.
2. The principal should review the selection and objection rules with the teaching staff at least annually.
The staff should be reminded that the right to object to learning resources is one granted by policies
enacted by the Board of Trustees.
3. No parent has the right to determine reading, viewing, or listening matter for students other than his
or her own children.
4. Access to challenged material shall not be restricted during the reconsideration process.
5. The major criterion for the final decision is the appropriateness of the material for its intended
educational use.
6. A decision to sustain a challenge shall not necessarily be interpreted as a judgment of
irresponsibility by the professionals involved in the original selection or use of the material.

Adopted: September 12, 2002
Revised: December 2, 2010

The Candia School Board has delegated the responsibility for selection and evaluation of
library/educational resources to the school library media specialist/curriculum committee, and has
established reconsideration procedures to address concerns about those resources. Completion of this
form is the first step in those procedures. If you wish to request reconsideration of school or library
resources, please return the completed form to the Principal.

Adopted: September 12, 2002
Revised: December 2, 2010

Public Complaints About School Personnel


The Candia School Board places trust in its employees and desires to support their actions in such a manner that employees are freed from unnecessary, spiteful complaints.

Whenever a complaint is made directly to the Board as a whole or to a board member as an individual, it shall be referred to the Principal for resolution. The individual employee involved shall then be advised of the nature of the complaint and shall be given an opportunity for explanation, comment, and presentation of the facts by the school administration.

The Superintendent shall be advised of the resolution and report to the Candia School Board. In cases where no resolution is reached, the matter will be referred to the Superintendent or designee.

Adopted: August 22, 1979
Adopted: September 12, 2002